The Changers Church Bible Dictionary

Church Main Contact There are only two genders. What's New Our Earthly Existence Opening Prayer What changed the world? Joke: Child asks Dad a question Sermon: Your Plans Sermon: GOD IS NOT A TRINITY Poem: Get to Heaven Sermon: What is Evolution  Information: We are called Christians Poem: God Bless You! Choices we make Sermon: Gender Sermon: How deep does your faith go? God gave us God gave us instinct Same Sex Joining Worldly things get in the way What is your perception of many things Judgment Of Others Plant Base Diet Religion in Law Do you believe in God? Your candle LIFE Information The marriage relationship Three things about life Gender Roles within any relationship Can you be Christian and Gay? If I had 10 million dollars What Sex are you? The Homeless The Dictionary Statement of Faith PRAYERS Who are we? The Sermon that has to be taught Ending Prayer Conclusion The Small Voice Joke: Get Your Own Dirt Jesus has spoken My Pictures How deep Does you Love Go Divorced Why Cheating Spouse Stages of Marriage Why we cheat? Redefining Gender The Lucifer Rebellion Everyone should read A GUIDE TO THE URANTIA BOOK Best Advice Questions to Ask 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening Things to Remember

The Changers Church Dictionary

Aesthetics = (also spelled sthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty

Apostle = messenger commissioned to carry out the instructions of and teachings of Jesus

Atheist – could be spiritual but don’t believe there is a higher power other than what is here on earth that we can see.

Atheism = Means believe in no God, or without God, lack of a God or belief and Or God does not exist to them. Some still have ethics of what is right or wrong but just don’t believe there is a God.

Beyond Gay Marriage = The agenda is to make all the things that make up a church to become obsolete.

Calendar – the year 1 reflects that when Jesus was born that his teachings changed the way of life so much that the calendar was changed to reflect his birth.

Church – a place to gather to learn about spiritual things not necessarily about what a god is all about

Christ = Messiah, Messenger, King of the Jews, interjection (taboo, slang) an oath expressing annoyance, surprise, etc.

Christianity = is not a religion but a following of Jesus Teachings, also when followed will lead you to heaven.

Christian's Job = To teach and preach Salvation unto the entire world not to judge the people with in the world.

Common sense = The ability to tell what is right and what is wrong and everything to make sense.

Darkness, cold = two things that we cannot be measured.

Disciple = a person that becomes a Teacher to teach Jesus’s teachings

Emotions = what makes us us, the way we feel and act

Ethics = Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.

Synonyms:   moral code, morals, morality, values, rights and wrongs, principles, ideals, standards (of behavior), value system, virtues, dictates of conscience

"your so-called newspaper is clearly not burdened by a sense of ethics"

The branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.

Evolutionism = is the survival of the fittest whether it is plants, humans or animals. Everything cannot change on what it is only how strong the strain of the entity that we are talking about.

Gay Marriage = on the start of what the meaning of marriage really is. Married can later on be to anything that is here on earth and not confined to humans, plants, robots, animals, and whatever else you want to get married to. The real agenda is to make marriage obsolete.

Ghost = The breath of God

God = A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith. What is seen or unseen that is a deity that exists that can or not control the universe or and could be the creator. Guidance from God could be in any form within the confines of our knowledge to be what is true to us.

HEAVEN = The sky or universe as seen from the earth; the firmament.

Hegemony = Leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation. Leadership; predominance. (Especially among smaller nations) aggression or expansionism by large nations in an effort to achieve world domination.

Holy = anything that is ordained or Sanctified by God

Holy Ghost = Gods Breath

Holy Spirit = man’s spirit once saved

Human Body = our earthly presentence here on earth

Human essence = our spirit and or soul

Hypocrisy = Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

Instinct = the feelings that we  have when something happens to us

Jesus = the one that was born to save the world from sin. A teacher that lived many years ago that changed the calendar as we know to reflect that his birth and teaching changed the world as we know it. This means that if we want to get back to heaven where we come from we should find out more about this person Jesus and what he taught.

Jesus Teachings = what he taught so we would get back to heaven where we come from.

Judgment = is Gods job to judge everyone.

Light, heat = something that can be measured

Machiavellian = Adjective = Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, esp. in politics or in advancing one's career. Noun = A person who schemes in such a way. Understand the difference between monotheism, polytheism, pantheism and Omnism. Monotheists believe in only one God or divinity, but not in any divinity or gods of other religions. Polytheists believe in a set of many gods. Pantheists believe that everything in the universe is divine. Omnis’s (Omni theists) accept all gods and religions as equal. Of course, these statements may over-simplify for the sake of being concise.

Man’s Soul = is where the spirit resides

Marriage = is God given to man in the setup of a family to produce children to provide the next generations to keep the traditions and beliefs alive. If there are no children in time we will no longer exist as we know it today.

Messiah = a deliverer, anointed one of God, Christ, Savior, fore fill the prophecies of God, Prophet like unto Moses, messenger.

Monotheism = the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

Nirvana = (to blow out) all your emotions and become one with yourself. To have blissful inner peace, profound peace of mind, to be in a safe place in your mind, happy, and quiet place, The state of perfect peace that comes when craving is eliminated is nirvana, the unconditioned state experienced while alive with the extinguishing of the flames of greed, aversion, and delusion.

Omnis’s = one that believes in all religions

Omni theists (Person) = Omni theism (religion) (also called Omnism)[1] is belief in the existence of all possible gods. Atheists believe in no gods; monotheists believe in one god; polytheists believe in many but not necessarily all gods; Omni theists believe in the existence of all gods that can possibly be believed in.

Pantheism = believe that everything in the universe is divine.

PENTAGONAL = 1: having five sides and five angles PENTAGONAL REVISIONISM: IS A FIVE-POINT PROGRAM to change what you are doing.

Polytheism = believe in a set of many gods.

Religion – something that is believed and worshiped. Could be anything that is seen or unseen

Realm = a kingdom

Realms = More than one Kingdom

Realms how many are there = There is 3 realms = 1 the earth, 2 God is Heaven, 3 Satan’s Kingdom.

Raca in the Bible Expand. vain, empty, worthless, only found in Matt. 5:22. The Jews used it as a word of contempt. It is derived from a root meaning "to spit."

REVISIONISM = 1: a movement in revolutionary Marxian socialism favoring an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary spirit 2: advocacy of revision (as of a doctrine or policy or in historical analysis)

Right and wrong = we all are born with this

Sacred and or saint = are considered Holy

Salvation is saved from a spiritual death – Jesus taught that the way of repentance of sin would lead you to heaven. The free gift of God would lead you to heaven. The sinner’s prayer would lead you to heaven. What is this that they say this? Jesus taught that to get to heaven where we come from we have to believe that Jesus himself conquered death and rose from the dead so we will be able to do this also. Now why did Jesus have to die on the cross? For we had to have someone to die for our sin so we would have a way back to heaven when Adam and Eve committed the original sin in the garden. I say sin because it was one sin. We are called sinners because we have committed more than one sin. Now that the sin has been paid for when Jesus died on the cross we now have a way back to heaven. All we have to do is ask for the free gift of salivation and it becomes ours. At this point all you have to do is say the salvation prayer.


Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

Now if you said this you will not go back to heaven where we come from. Now you should also feel different too. If not Say it again and mean it.

Satan/Devil/Serpent = Evil ones

Solipsism = the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. The quality of being self-centered or selfish

Soul = is where your essence resides

Spirit = your essence

Spiritual guidance – can be within your spiritual journey through out your life to learn what is best for you. The Indians had what they called a spiritual journey with their animal guide.

Theist = Noun 1. Theist - one who believes in the existence of a god or god’s worshipper, believer, worshiper - a person who has religious faith polytheist - one who believes in a plurality of Gods?

What is longer forever or always? I will always love you and we will be friends forever more.  So the meaning of always is (the same thing all the time happens every day) (more of a today and yesterday thing) So the Meaning of Forever is:  (for a very long time this has happened) (more of a yearly thing or longer) Like (I will always love you) but we might not be together forever) but I will always love you anyway.

Copyright  January 02-24-2014