Gender Roles within any relationship

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Gender Roles within any relationship

You’re Job:

When you get hired on for your first job you will want to help change things within your job to make it easier for you to do even when the boss said to do it this way and you started to do it a different way and then the boss see you doing it different and come over and told you to do it the way you was taught when you were hired. If you do not do what he says he could replace you. Now for some really interesting information about any job that you go and get. You are hired as a human robot and human robots do not talk back, take longer breaks, be late for work, and leave early from work. Do things that the boss does not way you to do. Do not follow orders that the boss gives. All human robots have to do their job the best way they know how because in time you could be replaced with a mechanical robot and will not have a job at all.

Woman working outside the home:

I am not saying that it is not a good thing for a woman to work outside the home all I am saying is that if she does she still has to take care of the home because it is just her job to take care of the home and her family. If she does not do this then the home will not be a home it will just be a house everyone lives there. The husband will not make the house a home because it is just not built in for him to do this. So it is the responsibility for her to do this. Mother Hood is built in and it is her job to make the house a home no matter what else she does. No matter how much she yells at him to take care of the home he will just not do it because motherhood is not built in. so no matter how much the woman complains and or yells he will not do what needs to be done to take care of the home like a woman can. So for a woman to work outside of them is up to her but she will have two jobs, working a job and taking care of the home and her children and husband. Just will have to find a job that she can do at home to make some extra income. Like making something and selling it online. Life is not easy for anyone these days.

Woman: The one that takes care of the house to make it a home.

Now her job within the home is to:

Keep the home clean, cook, shopping and do the laundry, Take care of the needs of the children and husband within the home.

Now his job is to within the home:

Work to make enough money to provide the things that are needed within the home. To come home and help around the home to help provide the help so you wife can get some rest and or make dinner. Help with the dishes, and whatever else she needs help with. The dad needs to spend time with the children to get to know them. The more time He spends with them the better. Dad’s job is to take care of the outside of the home and keep it looking nice.  Mow the lawn, plant flowers, and in general keep it looking good.

Time spent with the kids and the wife:

To help them learn to read, spell, and what is out there in the world that they need to know. Like how other people will treat them, use them, even hurt them. Teach them the ways of the world.

Like on the weekends go and do things with them. Even if it is going to the park and have a picnic. Then do things with them when you are there. Then when they get older ask them to have some of their friends to go along with you and even their parents. There is always room for extra people at a picnic. Just make sure they know to bring their own food for the picnic.

Now the both of them working together:

To work together to provide the house to become a home for the children and or themselves. To Do things together as much as possible and hire help and or a baby sitter so they can have some time alone with each other at least twice a week.

Spiritual things and what you believe to be true to you:

Teach them what is in the world and what is in the spiritual world. If you do not know find someone that knows about many different religions and let them ask questions about spiritual things. The world we live in is just that the world we live in. The spiritual world is where God lives and all the angles live. Satan lives there too. What you teach your children they will not be able to learn in school.

Teaching the children:

Would you like your children learn from you about what the world is like or learn it from others that will use them and lie to them just to get them to do what they want. It is up to you to teach them about the ways of the world and what is in it. So this way they will understand when someone says something they will know the difference when someone is lying to them or telling them the truth.

Troubles that come up:

No matter what comes up in the home the best thing is to talk about what is going on to solve the problem when it comes up rather than say we will take care of it next week. Sometimes next week don’t come because you get busy and forget all about it. Then when it happens you did not solve the problem and now what? That is why it is really important to talk about things when they happen and take care of them then.

You’re Parents:

You will have to discuss what happens when your parents needs your help to take care of them when they need it. Where will your parents live when they cannot live alone any longer? How will take care of them 24 hours a day when the time comes? Who will help pay for their care if you cannot. How will move them and sell the house if there is one to put the money in account to be used for their care. Who will have power of attorney when the time comes to do the things that need to be done when they can’t even remember your name or where they are and or pay the bills when they come in? It is better to decide when they can and take care of this now while they still can. This way when things come up the one that has power of attorney can take care of the things that needs to be take care of. Then not be able to do anything about when they go to a home and leave the home behind and the nursing home will take it and sell it for their care. If there is someone that has power of attorney will have the say where they go and what happens with all the things they have. Even then you can setup a living will and this way you will know what they want in the end times come. There is a lot to think about when the parents get older. Then it makes you think about what will happen to you when you get that age. Wil you have children that will take care of you and do the things that needs to be done when the time comes.  

Your will and living will:

This is one thing you will need to do just like your parents will need them now.  Think about it now and do it now this way if anything does happen in the future everything will be taken care of when the time comes. You can change them at any point in time if things changes or change your mind.

Choices we make:

Our everyday choices in life will determine where we end up and even where we live and even what job we have done. Our health will determine on what we have ate all those years and how well we have taken care of our bodies. Everything in life all comes down to the choices we made throughout our lives. The main thing is though out your life make the choices that will make you happy day to day. To do things that make other people happy will only last a short time. In any relationship it is good to compromise but don’t do things you do not want to do or give up. Some things over time really don’t matter.

Conclusion: No matter what comes up in a relationship the best thing is to sit down and talk about everything that is going on within the family and what to do about it. The main thing is to talk about everything daily on what is going on so you both know what is going on within the family. Life is not fair and never will be so make your choices everyday as if it is your last days here on earth. So at the end of the day you know you made the right choice for you and maybe even some of those choices you made helped with some of other people’s easer. Love your spouse, children with unconditional love so when the time comes there will be no doughs that you have loved them no matter what they have done through out their lives.