- GOD 8
- LOVE 56
- FEEDING THE 5,000 61
God is the very first Father and we are all his children. God lives on the Isle of Paradise. All the worlds and stars, everything, slowly circles the Isle of Paradise. The Isle of Paradise is called Heaven by many people. Paradise is very, very far away but each of us can someday go there to see God our Father.
God the Father is called many different names. Some people call him the Heavenly Father, the Paradise Father, or the Spirit Father. And there are still many other names for God. The name you choose is not very important. What is important is to get to know and love your First Father so you can grow to be like him. Everyone who knows the Spirit Father wants to be like the Heavenly Father.
God is not a man or a machine and he is not nature. God is perfect love. God is Spirit.
The Father is real even though we cannot see him now with our eyes. We cannot see love but we can feel what love does for us. We cannot see the Spirit Father but we can feel what the Father does for us.
The Father is perfect goodness. He is wise and fair. God is kind, and loving, and forgiving. The Father never makes mistakes and he never gets angry. The very, very, best that you can think of—God the Father is even better!
The Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. We are all his children. You are a child of God. You are loved by God.
The First Father perfectly loves each one of us. No one is his favorite. God is always fair and God's love is free to each child who wants it!
God the Father lets us choose how we want to live our lives. This is called free will. God never makes us do anything. The Heavenly Father loves us. We must choose our path in life and to choose to love him.
When you decide to be loved by God, something happens. You begin to love the Spirit Father right back! You are filled with love. When you share your love with others, you are doing God's will. This is a gift to God.
As you choose to feel the Father's love, you will love him too. As your love and trust in the Father grows—you have what is called faith. Faith is loving God and trusting him to lead your life.
God helps us make good choices. When you choose to do something God's way, you know it because it feels right.
Everyone who loves the Father wants to be like the Father. The Spirit Father is perfect but we are not perfect as of yet. We make lots of mistakes but that is how we learn.
The father loves you and all you have to do is love him back.
We cannot see our Paradise Father yet. He is our loving and dear friend, our invisible friend and Spirit Father. Love is real but we cannot see it. You can feel love in your life and you can feel God in your life.
Prayer is a good way to share your life with the Father. You talk to your First Father just like you talk to all the special people in your life.
Always be fair. Remember that the Father loves all his children. Even someone you may not like very much is loved by the Father. Everyone is our brother and sister. Ask your Spirit Father to help you love everyone. It is always good to pray for others.
Ask him to help you be just a little better and more like him each day. Be thankful and loving. You can always tell your Father how much you love him. You can thank him for loving and helping you. You can talk to him about your problems. He is your friend and your spiritual Father. Ask him to help you fix your problems all by yourself. You grow strong by fixing your own problems when you can. The Father is always happy to help his children and show you the way.
Prayer is not about asking for things and it is not about getting your way. A good talk with God helps you change and grow more like him. You will feel his love and care. Your faith will grow.
When you are done talking to the Father, stop and listen. You will not hear him with your ears but your heart will know what he says.
Always remember that your Heavenly Father loves you and cares about you. You are very special and important to him!
Oh, we get to make so many choices in life! Another really important choice is about finding and being with the Father on Paradise. When you decide that you someday want to go to Paradise to be with the Father you are given eternal life. That means the growing Spirit inside of you will live forever—you, your thoughts and feelings will live forever.
People are called mortals. Mortals can know God and love him. The Father has a plan for his mortal children that choose eternal life. All mortals must be born, live their lives, and then die. Some people do not like to think about dying. When you trust your Heavenly Father and understand his plan for us, death is not very scary anymore.
We need to die so we can leave our bodies. After death, you wake up in the Temple of New Life. You have a new kind of body. It is not like our Earth bodies that can get old, hurt, or sick. You still are not a Spirit like the Spirit Father. You are something special called a morontia (middle) person.
As a morontia person you will be with all the people you love who have already died. You can be with your grandparents and all the special people in your life.
There are seven beautiful mansion worlds. As a morontia person, you are given a home and plenty of time to explore everything. You get to learn many wonderful things about the Father and his many, many children. You can visit the angel's schools. You learn a new language. Best of all you are very, very, slowly, growing perfect like the Paradise Father.
When you leave the mansion worlds, you leave in a big group. All the Spirits and morontia people from the Jerusem worlds will greet your new class. You will carry the "harp of God.” It is a little bit like a radio. It lets you hear all about the wonderful things going on in God's worlds. All this time it feels as if you are in heaven but it gets even better! Next, you will go to the 70 worlds of Edentia. You will grow and learn so much. You meet God's different but wonderful children. You will love everyone very much.
After that, you go to Salvington. You will grow more like a Spirit every day. The Salvington worlds will be like college. Before you leave, you will get a blessing from two very special Spirits. The Creator Michael one of the creator Son’s we know as Jesus, and his helper, the Creative Daughter (Holy Spirit), will give you their blessing!
As a young Spirit, you will explore even more worlds. Remember you have forever. The thing is, as you grow more and more like a perfect Spirit, your love for the Paradise Father grows too. You will really want to find the Father even though his worlds are such wonderful schools and playgrounds.
And, someday you will find the Paradise Father. What an adventure it will be!
The Father lives very far away and it takes a long time to get to Paradise, so he sends each of us a special gift. When you are about five years old and make your first important good choice, the Father sends you his special gift.
He sends a very tiny piece of himself to live with you called a Thought Adjuster. Your Thought Adjuster is the light inside you but can only be seen by other Spirits. The Father is far away but at the same time, right here inside you. Your Thought Adjuster is your heavenly helper.
Your Adjuster wants you to have many choices and do a lot of hard thinking so you grow strong in your love and faith. Your mom and dad help you grow and learn. They are getting you ready for your life as a grown-up. Your Thought Adjuster is getting you ready for your heavenly adventure.
Remember that God never makes you do anything. Your Thought Adjuster will help you know what is right but it is your job to choose what you will do. Your Adjuster lights your way. Your Adjuster is a tiny piece of the Father. The Father is with you all the time so you are never alone.
Choosing to share your life with the Father makes you and your Thought Adjuster real friends. You are cooperating with your Spirit Father.
We are not the Father's only children. Mortals (people) are just one kind of children the Father loves. There are Teacher Sons that help you on your way to Paradise. There are also Sons that rule each world and big groups of worlds for God.
Angels are sons and daughters of God. We cannot see angels with our eyes now, but they can see us. When we become morontia people, we will be able to see the angels. Morontia people and angels become great friends! Angels and people are alike in many ways. They have many feelings just as we do, but not all the same feelings. People get scared and worried but angels don't. Angels cannot figure this out but they love us anyway.
People have made up lots of stories about angels. Some stories and pictures show angels with wings but they really do not have wings. Some stories say people turn into angels when they go to heaven. Angels cannot ever be people and people cannot ever be angels! God has many different kinds of children and we are all special to the Father in our own way.
Angels have many different jobs. Some watch over groups of people. Some people have a pair of angels that watch only them. Those are special angels called guardian angels.
When a person works very hard to do things God's way and when that person has grown close to their Thought Adjuster, then they will have a pair of guardian angels. Sometimes children have guardian angels because they will grow up to do important work for God.
No one really knows if they have a pair of guardian angels or are cared for with a group of people. What is important to know is that we all have angels who love us and watch over us.
God has many different kinds of children. On our way to Paradise, we will meet all his different children. We will all love and help each other.
One kind of Son that is very special is a group called the Paradise Sons. They are made right on Paradise and are perfect just like the Father. They too go to "school" but they learn how to make worlds and all kinds of other children for the Father. The Father can do everything himself but he just loves to share! He also trusts his Paradise Sons to do wonderful work for him.
The Father has a special plan for his Paradise Sons. After they make their worlds, the Father wants them to go into their worlds and see what it is like to live there. This is so the Sons will know just what their different children feel and think. When a Son is all finished living like God's different children, then God blesses his Son and gives him all the worlds he made. He will rule all his worlds for our Heavenly Father.
The Paradise Son that made all our worlds is called Michael of Nebadon. He went to live on different worlds as a Teacher Son, an angel, a morontia person, and as some of God's other kinds of children. He even made himself into a mortal that was born just like you and me.
When he lived as a mortal, his name was Jesus. He lived right here on Earth. God's name for Earth is Urantia. Jesus grew up and taught us about the Paradise Father and how much he loves us. Jesus loves us too.
The Father sends his Thought Adjuster and Jesus sends us his special gift. He sends his Spirit of Truth to live in the hearts of every child with faith.
Michael of Nebadon comes from Paradise and is perfect like the Father. When he was born on Urantia, he was just like all babies. After he grew up, some things about him were different. He slowly remembered that he was a Paradise Son. Then he knew it was his job to learn about the people of the world. He also knew it was his job to teach all the people about our loving Heavenly Father.
Before Jesus was born, an angel visited his mother. The angel told her that she would have a very special son and to name him Jesus. He told her that Jesus would grow up to be a special Spiritual teacher.
Jesus' mommy was named Mary. She had blond hair and brown eyes. Jesus' daddy was named Joseph. He had brown hair and black colored eyes. He worked as a carpenter and builder. He built the house they lived in after they got married.
Joseph and Mary were both Jewish and had strong faith. But, the people back then did not understand God very well and they were afraid of him.
Mary was a very happy person and talked a lot. Joseph did not talk very much but he was kind and gentle. Joseph was a good daddy and worked hard for his family. Mary was a good mommy and took care of their home and children. With Jewish tradition the woman was considered a virgin until she has her first child. So when Jesus was born he was born of a woman and his real dad was Joseph. This is why he called himself the son of man and the spiritual son of God. So this means that Jesus was not born out of wedlock for Joseph was his real earthly father.
Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth. Joseph needed to go to the town of Bethlehem. He told Mary she could not go because she was going to have a baby soon. Well, Mary did not want to stay home by herself and besides she loved adventure! She packed enough for both of them and got Joseph to let her go too.
Joseph and Mary were poor then. He had built their house. Also, he gave his parents money because his dad had been hurt and could not work. They only had one donkey and Mary rode on it.
Four days later, they reached Bethlehem. There was nowhere to stay because there were many people visiting that week. The inn was full. The animal stables were cleaned up and the animals moved so they stayed in there. Other people were also staying in the stables so they hung up tent curtains.
Some of the other ladies helped Mary. She gave birth to Jesus at noon on August 21, 7 B.C. Mary wrapped him in some clothes she had brought and laid him in a manger.
The next day a very nice man staying inside the inn gave Joseph, Mary and their new baby his room. They stayed at the inn for a few days then went to live with some of Joseph's family.
When baby Jesus was three weeks old, three wise priests from a place called Ur came to see this new baby. They had heard a story that "the light of light" had been born.
Jesus was a good baby. As he grew a little older, he had many playmates. Jesus was about three years old when he and his parents moved back to Nazareth. Then he became good friends with a neighbor boy named Jacob.
James was Jesus' first baby brother. He was born when Jesus was four years old. He just loved having a baby brother. He was just as happy when his baby sister, named Miriam, was born the next year. Jesus helped his mommy take care of the house and his baby brother and sister.
When Jesus was five years old, he made his first important good choice. The Paradise Father sent a tiny piece of himself, a Thought Adjuster, to live inside Jesus. The Spirit Father does this for all his mortal children on Urantia. Jesus did not know or feel his Adjuster come and we do not either.
Mary taught Jesus about flowers and plants. She also had boxes of sand for him to play with. He would draw maps and write letters of the alphabet in the sand.
When a Jewish boy turned five years old, his dad was supposed to start teaching him. So, Joseph began teaching Jesus about their belief in God, to speak, read, and write another language called Greek, and many other things. Joseph also tried to answer all Jesus' questions. And, Jesus asked questions all the time!
Jesus started giving his parents trouble about his prayers when he was six years old. His parents were teaching him to say prayers just the way they had learned them. Jesus would say these prayers just like they taught him. Then he would say, "I want to have just a little talk with my Father in heaven."
His parents never really understood Jesus or how he felt about God. All the people in those days thought God was mean and would punish them if they broke some rule that they had. They were very afraid of God. But remember that Jesus is going to grow up and change all that. He will teach the people that God is a loving Father and we are his children.
Mary and Joseph had their fourth child. They named the baby Joseph. Now there was Jesus, James, Miriam, and Joseph.
Lots of things happened that year. There was a big snowstorm in winter and two feet of snow came down. It was the most snow Jesus ever saw.
In the summer, the family used the flat roof of their house as a playroom and bedroom. That summer there was a sandstorm. Jesus fell down the stairs because sand got into his eyes. He was not hurt but it scared his mom!
Jesus learned many things like how to milk the family cow. He took care of their other animals too. He learned to make cheese and how to weave. Jesus and his friend Jacob learned how to make things out of clay. They had contests to see who could make the best clay animals. The boys wanted to work with clay when they grew up.
All seven-year-old Jewish boys went to school. Back then, girls could not go to school. Jesus went to the Jewish school with all the other Jewish boys.
When he started school he already spoke two languages and could read and write. At school, he learned another language called Hebrew. Back then, the schools only had one Jewish book to learn from and the teacher used it. The teacher sat on the floor with the children and said the lesson. The children said over and over what the teacher told them until they could remember it. They studied parts of the Bible and other Jewish writings. Boys went to school for just six years. One of the things they did at school was to pick out a birthday lesson. This was something from the Bible or other writings about God. It was their own little rule to help them through school. When they finished school, they would share their birthday lesson.
Jesus' third brother was born. He was named Simon. James was four years old now and Jesus started to teach him the alphabet.
Jesus loved music. He traded milk and cheese for harp lessons. He was very good at playing the harp and singing. He even got his friends to like singing.
At school, Jesus did very well. He learned his lessons so well that he would get a whole week off from school every month. Sometimes he went fishing with one of his uncles. They would throw nets out into the Sea of Galilee to catch fish.
Sometimes Jesus spent the week with another uncle on his farm. All Jesus' aunts and uncles really liked to have him visit. They even made a game to see which family could get Jesus to come to their house.
But, not everything at school was perfect. He drove his teacher crazy with so many questions. He asked good questions, not silly at all, but many times no one knew the answers.
Jesus' second sister was born. Her name was Martha. Now Joseph and Mary had six children—Jesus, James, Miriam, Joseph, Simon and Martha.
Their house just had one big room. Joseph built another room onto their house. It was a workshop in the day and a bedroom at night. A small carpenter's workbench was built for Jesus. For the first time Jesus had tools of his own. He worked at the bench often and became very good at making animal yokes.
This year Jesus got into big trouble at school. The Jewish people had lots of rules. One rule was that you could not have anything to pray to or take the place of God. Some people thought this meant you should not draw pictures or make anything out of clay because you might love it instead of God.
Jesus loved art and his parents let him draw and use clay at home. One day at school, he drew a picture of his teacher. Another boy tattled. Jesus was in big trouble!
The leaders of the Jewish school went to Jesus' house and told Joseph he better do something about it. Jesus sat on a big rock by the door and listened. He got very upset because they were blaming his dad for what he did.
He went inside to talk to these leaders. He was very brave. The Jewish leaders were shocked. In those days, grown-ups did not care what a child felt or thought. Children were just supposed to do what they were told.
Jesus went ahead and said what he thought about the whole thing. He did not think he had done anything wrong. He did not think this Jewish rule was right or fair. But he promised he would do whatever his dad said he should.
Joseph believed that good Jews followed the Jewish rules. So Joseph decided that Jesus should follow this rule too. Jesus stopped all his art even though he loved drawing and making things out of clay.
Jesus was a nice boy and just about everyone liked him. He was like all the other boys his age but maybe a little smarter. He still asked questions all the time but that was not so strange. The only thing really different about Jesus was that he wouldn't fight with anyone. Even if someone hit him first, he would never hit them back. Jesus just never thought it was right to hit anyone for any reason. His friend Jacob made sure no one picked on Jesus. Jacob was a very good friend.
Jesus was the leader of a group of boys. These friends loved him because he was fair and understanding. They also knew Jesus loved them.
Joseph took the children for long walks. Since Jesus was the oldest, he went on many walks alone with his dad when the others were still too little. They would climb a big hill near their house. They could see many cities and the Sea of Galilee from the top. Sometimes they would walk through the countryside. Jesus loved nature and these walks with his dad.
The people in those days use to ride camels. They would ride camels in groups called a caravan. A caravan would go all over the world. Joseph had a store in Nazareth that sold things the people in the caravan needed. People from all over stopped at the caravan store. Jesus has to meet all kinds of people. He met different colored people who spoke different languages and had many ideas about God.
Jesus was slowly remembering that he came from Paradise and was a Paradise Son of the Spirit Father. His job was to live just like all mortal people.
His job was to get to know and understand what other mortals felt, thought, and did. Also, after he grew up, his job would be to teach the people the truth about God. He would teach that God is our loving Father and we are all his children.
Jesus still visited his uncles and he sometimes took trips with his dad. One trip was to a city where hardly any Jews lived. This city had something like a football stadium called an amphitheater. People would go to watch contests. Men would have games to see who ran the fastest, who could throw the farthest, and who was the strongest.
Jesus was really excited and loved watching the games. But Jewish people believed the games were bad. Jewish people did not have very much fun. They believed they were supposed to work hard, think about God, follow lots of rules, and take care of their family.
Jesus thought the games were great! He had an idea. He told his dad they should go back to Nazareth and build an amphitheater.
Joseph was so surprised! He was shocked to hear his Jewish son say that. He told Jesus never to say anything like that as long as he lived! So Jesus promised that he would not and he kept his promise.
The seventh child, Jude, was born. Mary had a hard time and was very sick. Joseph stayed home to take care of Mary. Jesus was only eleven years old but he took care of his brothers and sisters. He also helped his dad. Mary was not sick too long. Joseph went back to work after a few weeks. Jesus was always such a big help to his family.
By the time Jesus was twelve years old he really knew and did a lot. James, now eight years old, was in school. Jesus was still in school but he also taught his brothers. Joseph, who was five, and Simon, who was four, were learning the alphabet and other things from Jesus.
At school, Jesus did well. He had learned all about the Jewish beliefs and rules. He could read and write three languages. He knew about taking care of a home and children. He knew about farming and how to take care of animals. He knew about nature from his walks with his dad and about flowers and plants from his mom. He could work with wood and was a good carpenter like his dad. He was also a good fisherman. He was very good at playing the harp and loved music. Jesus only did two things that were not work. He played his harp and he met different kinds of people from everywhere.
Jesus kept learning about people from being at the caravan store. Also, many people visited their home. He got to visit many other cities and meet many different kinds of people. Jesus always loved people.
Jesus' baby brother, Amos, was born. Mary and Joseph had eight children now. (Jesus 13, James 9, Miriam 8, Joseph 6, Simon 5, Martha 4, Jude 2, and baby Amos)
This year Jesus finished school. His family was very happy and proud of him. Now he was old enough to go to the temple in Jerusalem. A Jewish church is called a synagogue. There were synagogues in most of the villages but the temple was in Jerusalem. It was a huge place of worship. Jews would come from all over the world at special times.
Passover is a special time for the Jews. There is a story from a long time ago in Egypt. The story says that all the firstborn baby boys died except for the Jewish babies. The Jewish babies all lived.
The people in Egypt had made slaves of the Jews. The Jewish people believe that God punished the Egyptians. On the night the Egyptian babies died, the Jewish babies were passed by or passed over. That is where the name Passover comes from. Jesus wanted to go to his first Passover in Jerusalem.
Women did not have to go to the temple. But Jesus wanted his mom to go. Mary decided to go. Then, many other ladies went. Over 100 Jews from Nazareth decided to go together.
The men walked in one group together. The ladies walked or rode donkeys in another group. Jesus led his mom's donkey on the trip to Jerusalem.
At the temple, the Jewish boys who had finished school had something called a ceremony. The leaders would welcome them into the Jewish faith. Then they would think of them as young men.
After his visit and ceremony, Jesus could go home with the men's group. Everyone would treat him like a young man—not like a boy anymore.
On the fourth day, they got to Jerusalem. They had camped out for three nights. Now Jesus, Mary, and Joseph stayed with some of Mary's family. Jesus was very excited about seeing the Holy City. He wanted to see the temple of his Spirit Father.
That first night in Jerusalem, something very special happened. Jesus' mind and heart were filled with holy light. Then, he saw an angel who said, "The time has come for you to begin your Paradise Father's work."
Remember that Michael of Nebadon is a Paradise Son. He made himself into a mortal. Very slowly, he came to understand that he was a normal person. But, at the same time, he was a Paradise Son of God. He was the maker of millions of worlds.
Jesus was so excited about seeing the temple. But, once he got there, he was unhappy and sad about a lot of things. First, his mom was not allowed to go to his ceremony. Ladies were only allowed in a certain place at the temple. Ladies were not treated fairly.
Another thing, which upset Jesus, were the places around the temple called temple courts. Here they had animals, people yelling, and people using money to buy and sell things. Jesus did not think these things should happen at a house of God. It was all very loud and ugly.
Jesus would not believe any teachings that said God was angry or mad. When his dad told him that the Jews believed this, Jesus said, "Dad, it can't be true! The Spirit Father cannot love his children less than you love me. I know that you would never feel hateful anger for me. The Heavenly Father is filled with perfect love and goodness. So he loves us even more than our earth parents and could never get mad at us." After that, Jesus' parents never tried to change his mind about God's love.
A long time ago, people use to kill their very best animal. This was a present for God. They thought if they gave up their best animal, it showed God how much they loved him. They also thought this made God happy and he would not get mad at them or punish them.
In Jesus' time, they were still killing animals. But now, they bought the animal at the temple. Then the poor animal was killed at a special temple court. When Jesus saw this, he felt sick. It just broke his heart to see these animals killed. He knew killing an animal would not make the Spirit Father love someone more or make him happy.
Jesus wanted to leave so they got Mary and walked in the open air away from the crowds of people. Passover lasts seven days. The first night starts with eating a killed lamb, flat (unleavened) bread, bitter herbs, and wine. Jesus decided that someday he would have Passover without a killed lamb.
The family stopped at a little village named Bethany. It was very close to Jerusalem. While they rested, a nice family had invited them into their home for a snack. They had three children about Jesus' age. Their names were Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. They became friends for life. They had also invited Joseph, Mary, and Jesus to their home for the first Passover dinner. Jesus and his parents went to Bethany for the dinner.
The next day, Jesus and Lazarus explored Jerusalem. They found the places at the temple where teaching and question groups met.
Lazarus had not had the young men's ceremony yet so he could not stay for the talks. Jesus had to wait until after Passover but then he would be allowed to join the groups.
Jesus slept at Lazarus' house one night. Lazarus, Martha, and Mary heard Jesus talk about things mortal and holy. From that night on, all three loved him like their very own brother.
Jesus went back to the teaching and question groups by himself.
His parents thought he was acting strange. They always saw him sitting alone with his head in his hands thinking. They felt Jesus would be fine when they got back home. They did not know anything about the angel's visit to Jesus.
The people from Nazareth were going to go back together. They had a meeting place by the temple. Jesus went inside the temple while his parents waited for everybody. Jesus was so interested in the talk about angels that he did not know his parents left.
Mary did not miss Jesus because she thought he was with the men now. Joseph did not miss him because he thought Jesus was leading Mary's donkey like he had on the way to Jerusalem. In fact, they went very far and had stopped to camp for the night before they knew he was missing. They could not imagine what had happened to their son. They could not sleep all night because they were so worried.
Jesus was at the temple listening all day. When the talks were over, he went to Lazarus' house. He had dinner and then slept there.
The next day Jesus walked back to Jerusalem. He stopped at the Mount of Olives where he could see the Holy City. Jesus cried at what he saw. These poor people did not understand God at all.
He decided to go to the temple and join a talk group. He was allowed to join the talks even though he was so young and everyone else was a grown-up. After the talks and his many questions, he went back to Bethany to spend the night.
Joseph and Mary spent the day going back to Jerusalem. They went back to their family's house in Jerusalem but no one had seen Jesus. They looked for him the rest of the day. They could not find him so they stayed with their family.
On the third day, many people went to the temple. They had heard about a young man asking questions. They wanted to hear him confuse the wise teachers of the temple.
Lazarus' dad also went down from Bethany to see what Jesus was doing. All day long Joseph and Mary looked for Jesus. They even looked around the huge temple. But, they never thought to look carefully at the different talk groups.
On the third day, many people went to the temple. They had heard about a young man asking questions. They wanted to hear him confuse the wise teachers of the temple. Lazarus' dad also went down from Bethany to see what Jesus was doing. All day long Joseph and Mary looked for Jesus. They even looked around the huge temple. But, they never thought to look carefully at the different talk groups.
Jesus asked good questions and some were very hard to answer. He wanted to know why Jewish ladies could not stay with the men when they were in the temple. He asked why they thought killing animals made God happy. He also asked why selling and trading was allowed in God's temple.
Jesus did not care about winning or being right. He just wanted people to know the truth. He wanted them to understand God better.
Jesus went quietly back to Bethany with Lazarus' dad. He needed to think and work out a plan. He knew he had to figure out a way to help the people. The people needed to see a more beautiful Heavenly Father. He needed to set them free from all their rules and things, which kept them from really knowing God.
Jesus seemed to have forgotten about his mom and dad. When Lazarus' mom said something about it, Jesus did not seem to think they might be worried.
The teachers and leaders at the temple were surprised how much Jesus knew. He knew the holy writings in Hebrew and Greek. But, what they really could not get over was his young age. When the people started talking about prayers, the teachers asked Jesus to come sit with them. They asked him to talk and teach just like them.
The night before, Joseph and Mary had heard about a strange young man that was asking the teachers many questions. They never dreamed anyone was talking about their son. They kept looking for Jesus. They decided to look for a friend that might have seen him. They went back to the temple. Imagine their surprise and shock when they heard Jesus' voice and saw him sitting with the temple teachers!
Joseph was so surprised he could not even talk. But, Mary let loose all the fear and worry she had felt for days. She rushed up to Jesus and said, "My child, why have you treated us like this? For over three days, we have looked for you. Why did you desert us?" Everyone stared at Jesus and wondered what he would say.
Jesus was supposed to be a young man. He was sitting with the teachers. His mom called him a child. She scolded him in front of everyone. Jesus thought a minute. He said, "Why did it take so long to find me? It is time for me to be doing God's work. I was in my Heavenly Father's house doing his work." Then Jesus said, "Let's go home. We all did what we thought was best."
The family did not talk much on the way back. After they got home, Jesus told his parents that he loved them. He said they did not need to worry about him doing anything to upset them. Then he said, "While I must do what my Father in heaven wants, I will also do what my father on earth wants. I will wait until my time comes."
That summer Jesus went many times to the top of the hill. He would talk and pray to God. Slowly he remembered he was one of God's Paradise Sons. Slowly he remembered more about God's plan for the Paradise Sons.
Joseph and Mary did not understand Jesus. They did not know about the Paradise Sons and God's plans for them. Oh, they loved Jesus very, very much but they did not understand him.
Joseph made good money as a builder. The family lived very well. Then about a month after Jesus’ birthday, something awful happened. Jesus was working at the caravan store. A messenger ran there first. He told Jesus that his dad had been badly hurt on a building he was working on in another city. They both went to the house to tell Mary.
Jesus wanted to go to his dad. All Mary could think about was getting to her husband. James was 10 years old. He went with Mary and Jesus stayed home to take care of the children. Mary did not know how bad Joseph had been hurt. He died before she got there. They brought him back and had a funeral.
Friends tried to bring cheer into the home. But, Mary and the children were very sad. Joseph had been a good husband and dad. They all missed him.
Jesus must now take care of the family. He would take care of his mom, seven brothers and sisters, and the baby Mary was going to have. Jesus was now the head of the family and he was just 14 years old.
Mary had the baby and named her Ruth. Jesus did his best to make his mom feel better. Jesus really loved baby Ruth. And, he was a good father-brother to all the children.
James was now 11, Miriam 10, Joseph 8, Simon 7, Martha 6, Jude 4, Amos 2, and Ruth was the newborn. There were many young children to take care of and feed.
Jesus took care of the money very well. With such a large family though, the money Joseph had saved was almost gone. Jesus had to sell a house Joseph had owned.
Jesus worked as a carpenter. James sold doves and Miriam sold milk. They had plenty of milk, butter, cheese, and vegetables in the summer but hardly anything else. It was very hard to pay their taxes. The taxman even threatened to take Jesus' harp away for taxes.
Many times at the synagogue, Jesus had been asked to read the Scriptures or holy writings. Jewish law said that after a young man turned 15 years old he could lead the whole service. The first Sabbath after his birthday Jesus led the morning service for the faithful Jews of Nazareth. This was the start of many beautiful services Jesus would lead.
This year Jesus tried to teach the older children how to pray like he did. He hoped to teach them how to have loving talks with the Spirit Father. Every time he gave them an idea of what to say, they copied him. He wanted them to say what was in their own hearts. Every time he tried to help them, they copied what he said. They just did not understand. At last, Jesus gave up. He made up a family prayer known today as "The Lord's Prayer.”
Life was hard but day-by-day Jesus did his best. Each day he did his work and took care of their problems. Jesus prayed a lot. He was troubled. He now had a family to take care of and could not do his Paradise Father's work yet. He was right to think that taking care of his earth father's family should come first. But, he did plan for the time when he would start his Heavenly Father's work.
All the Jewish people waited for a very special person called the Messiah. The Messiah would come and save the Jewish people. The Messiah would lead armies. He would get rid of the bad rulers. The Romans ruled in Jesus' day. Many people thought they were bad rulers. When the Messiah came, he was supposed to be their new king and save them.
The Jews wanted a Messiah. Jesus knew he would never lead armies. Besides, Jesus loved everybody, not just the Jews. Jesus knew he would be a Spirit teacher for all the people. He would teach everyone about the First Father's love. He was not going to be the Messiah. But, when he became a world teacher, what should he call himself?
Jesus thought about this problem a lot. Then one day he found a story in "The Book of Enoch.” The story was about someone called the "Son of Man.” It said the Son of Man walked through heaven with God. Then the Son of Man left heaven and everything that was beautiful. Next, the story said the Son of Man came down to earth to save the needy mortals (people).
Jesus thought this story was just about right. He decided he would call himself the "Son of Man" when he started his Heavenly Father's work.
Jesus did not tell his mom about this. Mary thought he would be the Jewish Messiah. She worried about Jesus. He went to the hilltop to pray. He had many ideas about God that she did not understand. No one really understood. Jesus did not have anyone to talk to but his Heavenly Father. He loved the Father and wanted to do his work.
Jesus worked very hard to take care of the family. It made Mary sad to see him work so hard. He was so young. Even though he worked hard, they were very, very poor. No teenager has ever had a harder life than Jesus did. He really understands what it is like to be a kid.
James, Joseph, and now Simon went to school. Jesus wanted Miriam and Martha to go to school but girls were not allowed. He talked to his mom about this. They decided the girls would have school at home. So James was put in charge of teaching his sisters.
Jesus was healthy and had a strong, full-grown body. He had a clear and sharp mind. He was a kind and loving person. He had grown up to become a fine young man. His family loved him but did not understand many of the things he said or did.
Many of the Jewish people did not like the Roman rulers. Some of the people started a group called the Zealots. The Zealots did not want to take orders from the Romans anymore. They did not want to pay so much money for taxes.
When the Zealots came to Nazareth, they wanted Jesus to join them. This was a problem for Jesus. Many people were trying to get him to join, even some of his relatives. Jesus said he had to take care of his family. Then a rich man said he would give them money if Jesus would join. Jesus told the people something very important. He said that money could not love. Money could buy them food and pay their bills but it could not take the place of Jesus.
Jesus loved his family. He gave them a father's care even though he was their brother. He was really their loving father-brother. All the money in the world could not love them. Only people can love.
All the land and houses their dad had owned were sold except the family home they lived in. With some of their last money, they bought James new tools. James had finished school. He worked as a carpenter in their home workshop. Jesus planned to work in the caravan shop and buy it back.
James really did not understand what kind of work Jesus would do for God. All he knew was that someday he could take care of the family. When he could take care of the family then Jesus could start doing God's work. James really loved Jesus, his father-brother.
Jesus tried to do all the things Joseph would have done. Joseph had been a good dad. Jesus learned a lot from him. Jesus took the children on long walks like Joseph use to do. Now James had finished school. Jesus decided to take James to his first Passover in Jerusalem.
Jesus told James the same Jewish stories his dad had told him. They went the same way to Jerusalem. They stayed in Bethany with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. James had his ceremony and was now a young man of Jewish faith.
James wanted to go hear the temple teachers. He secretly hoped Jesus would ask questions or join the teachers. James was sad when Jesus did not. Jesus told him it was not the right time yet.
Jesus started working again in the caravan store. He fixed things made of wood and leather. He was happy to be back at the shop. It had been four years. Now he got to see people from all over the country again. He really loved people.
Again something very, very sad happened to this family. Little Amos, their baby brother died. He had been very sick with a high fever. They did not have medicine in those days. Jesus was a big help to Mary during this sad time.
They were poor. The money for the funeral made them even poorer. They were sad and missed Amos. But, Jesus told the family that being sad for too long would not help. He said everyone was doing their best. Every day they grew stronger because they all had hope. Jesus gave them hope and courage.
In those days, children were told not to do bad things. Jesus had a better way. He told the children what good things they should do. And the children were growing up to be very good children.
James was 15 years old now. He had been a good student in school. He worked hard. He had a lot of faith in God. Joseph was 12 years old. He was still in school. His faith was not as strong as James' faith but he tried. Simon was 11 years old and he went to school. He was a daydreamer but a good boy. Jude was seven years old. He was the high strung child—full of energy. Sometimes Jude got into trouble because he did not always listen or follow the rules.
Miriam was 14 years old. She was a very good daughter. She had very strong faith in God. She loved all things that were good and all things about God. Miriam was also very beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl in Nazareth. Martha was 10 years old. She was a slow child. Everyone could count on Martha to be helpful. She too, was a good child. Little Ruth was four years old. She was like sunshine in the home. She was always happy. But they did not spoil her. Sometimes Ruth said things before she thought about them but she was truthful.
This year Jude started school. They did not have enough money. Jesus sold his harp to pay the bills. It made him sad. The one good thing about selling his harp was that the taxman would not be able to take it.
Jesus was poor but that did not matter to other people. Almost every-body liked him.
Rebecca, the daughter of a rich family, fell in love with Jesus.
Rebecca told Miriam first. Miriam told her mom, Mary. They did not think this was a good idea. They thought they should stop Rebecca before Jesus found out.
Mary told Rebecca the whole story. She told her about the angel's visit before Jesus was born. She told Rebecca that Jesus would be a Great Spiritual leader. Maybe he would be the Messiah. She thought Rebecca would see that Jesus should not get married.
Rebecca did not see things Mary's way. She was happy. She thought she could help Jesus by being a good wife. She thought Mary was really worried about money.
Rebecca knew her dad would help Jesus' family if they got married. So Rebecca told her dad. He thought it was a good idea. He invited Jesus to their house for Rebecca's seventeenth birthday party.
Rebecca's dad spoke to Jesus about helping his family with money. Jesus listened. He kindly said that money could not take his place. Rebecca's dad thought Jesus was a wonderful person and very good to his family. He left Rebecca alone to talk to Jesus. Later he told his wife, "We can't have Jesus for a son. He is too good and wonderful."
Jesus thanked Rebecca for her love. He said her love would make him happy for the rest of his life. But he said he could only be friends with her. He had to raise his dad's family. After they were grown up, he would start God's work. He could not marry and have a family to take care of because he had special work to do for God.
Rebecca was heartbroken. She was very sad and wanted to move away. Her family later moved to another city.
Many men wanted to marry Rebecca. She never did marry. She only loved Jesus. She thought he was the greatest man on earth. She waited until he became a teacher of Spiritual truth. Then she followed Jesus while he did the Father's work. She even stood by his mom when Jesus died.
To Rebecca and many, many others, Jesus was the loveliest and the greatest.
They did not have much money but Jesus wanted to go to Jerusalem for the Passover. Mary wisely said he should go. What Jesus really wanted was to see Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Next to his own family, he loved these three most of all.
Lazarus' parents had died. He was now the head of his family. He took care of his two sisters. They had planned to have Passover dinner with someone else. When Jesus came, they stayed home. But they were worried. They had not killed a lamb for the Passover.
Jesus told them that the Father in heaven did not care. He said they had Spiritual light and truth. People with Spiritual light should not live in darkness. They should not go to the Paradise Father in darkness. Then Jesus said, "Let us be free. We know the truth of God's love."
These four faithful Jews had the very first Passover dinner without the killed lamb. From then on, when Jesus was in Bethany that is how they had the Passover dinner.
Joseph had finished school. He worked as a carpenter. Now Jesus, James, and Joseph worked. There was hope that they would not be poor forever.
Jesus took Joseph to his first Passover in Jerusalem. Jesus never played favorites with anybody. He took Joseph just as he had taken James. He told Joseph all the Jewish stories. Joseph went through his ceremony to be a young man of Jewish faith.
Jesus is a grown man. He has taken care of his family even when it was hard to do. He has hope but he is not a dreamer. He is always fair even when life is unfair to him. He has always had strong faith in his Paradise Father. All of this is part of the Paradise Son. That is why he is our understanding brother and friend. This is why he is our perfect ruler.
Now, as a grown-up, he is slowly getting ready to do God's work. He will help people understand the Spiritual Father. He will lead people to God the Father.
Simon finished school. He started working with Jacob. He and Jesus had been friends since they were three years old. Simon and Jacob were stonemasons, not carpenters. They worked with large stones. They made stone floors or walls for houses or buildings.
Jesus knew about every kind of work but one. He had never worked with metal. Now he decided to go work with metal in a different city. Not only did Jesus learn about metals, he learned more about people. Most of the people he met there were not Jewish. Jesus put James in charge of the family and money before he left. He gave the money he made to James to take care of.
James was learning how to take care of a family and money. When he got married, he would know these things. Jesus was nearby. Jesus could have walked home every night but he did not. He wanted to give James a chance to learn.
Jesus came home each Saturday. It was called the Sabbath. It is the day Jewish people go to their synagogue to worship God. Since Jesus was thirteen years old, he sometimes led the Sabbath worship service.
Jesus, James, Joseph, and Simon all worked. Miriam sold milk and butter. Martha was a very good weaver. She made cloth. Jesus stopped work for three weeks. This was the longest time he had taken off from work.
It was Simon's turn to go to Jerusalem with Jesus. On the way, they met a rich man. He owned over four thousand caravan camels. He traded and sold things all over the Roman world. He really liked Jesus. He wanted Jesus to work for him. Jesus said he could not leave his family now. He said he could not go that far away now.
Simon went through his ceremony and was a young man of the Jewish faith. Simon got to know his father-brother a lot better on their trip. He really loved Jesus.
The family was getting use to Jesus being away. James was doing a good job of taking care of the family.
James was twenty years old. He was in love with a young Nazareth woman. He told Jesus he wanted to get married sometime. Joseph was almost eighteen years old. It was decided that James would teach Joseph how to take care of the family. James would teach Joseph for two years and then get married.
Miriam was nineteen. She was in love with Jacob. He lived next door. Jacob had been friends with Jesus since they were three years old. If Jesus gave James permission to get married maybe he would let Miriam get married.
Miriam talked to her father-brother. Jesus told her that Jacob should come to ask. Jacob should ask for her hand in marriage. Jesus said he would give permission. He told Miriam she must first teach Martha about taking care of their home.
The family was doing well. For the first time all the bills were paid. They even had money saved. Jude had finished school. Jesus decided to take him to Jerusalem for his first Passover.
Jesus took Jude the same way to Jerusalem that he had taken with his brothers. He told Jude the same Jewish stories that were told to him on his first trip.
Jude was very excited about his first visit to the temple. On their way, they saw Lazarus from Bethany outside the temple. Jesus stopped to talk to Lazarus. He wanted to have the Passover dinner with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. While they talked, Jude got into real trouble!
A Roman soldier was standing nearby. He said some rude things that were not nice about a Jewish girl walking by. Jude got mad at the soldier. Then, Jude said some things that were not nice to the Roman soldier. The soldier arrested Jude.
Before Jesus could stop Jude, he got even madder. Jude let loose all his bad feelings about the whole Roman Empire. He made a bad matter even worse. Now he was in real trouble. They took Jude to prison. Jesus went with him.
That night was the Passover dinner. They missed it because Jude was in jail. The next day was a holy day. They had to wait two days before they could see the Roman judge.
A judge decides who is right or wrong. He decides what to do about someone who breaks the law or rules.
Jesus spoke for Jude. He told the judge what happened. He said Jude was sorry. The judge let Jude go. He told Jesus to watch Jude or he would get into more trouble.
Jesus and Jude walked over to Bethany. They told Lazarus and his sisters why they had missed the Passover supper with them. Then they started their return trip to Nazareth.
Jude missed his ceremony to become a young man of the Jewish faith. A few years later Jude was in Jerusalem at a Passover, working for the Zealots, and he then went through his ceremony.
Jesus did not tell the family about Jude's arrest. After a few weeks, Jesus had a long talk with Jude. After this talk Jude told the family what happened. Jude never forgot how patient Jesus was with him.
This was the last Passover in Jerusalem that Jesus went to with his family. Jesus had taken each brother after they had finished school.
When Jesus was 25 years old, little Ruth was 10 years old. Jesus worked at the caravan store fixing things. Jesus loved children. He loved Ruth and her friends. He kept sand, blocks, and stones by the side of the shop for them to play with. Many children would come to play.
Often the children would peek inside. If Jesus did not look busy, they would go inside. They would say, "Uncle Jesus, come out and tell us a big story." The children would pull him outside laughing. Jesus would sit on a rock. The children would sit on the ground around him. One or two of the smallest sat on his knees. Jesus would tell them stories. He made the children very happy. The children loved Jesus and Jesus loved the children.
Jesus was teaching James how to take care of the caravan store. Joseph was learning how to take care of the family. Simon was working with Jacob as a stonemason. The problem was Jude. He was not doing his share of work. He was not helping the family with his share of money. James and Joseph wanted to make him leave. They wanted to kick him out! Jesus would not agree. He told James and Joseph to be patient. He told them to set a good example for Jude to follow. Jesus kept the family together.
Jesus took Jude to their uncle's farm to work. After the harvest, Jude ran away. Simon later found Jude with some fishermen. He took Jude home. Jesus talked things over with Jude.
Jude wanted to be a fisherman. Jesus took Jude to their fisherman uncle. Jude became a fisherman. He did his work and gave his share of money to the family.
James and Joseph were carpenters. Simon was a stonemason. Jude was a fisherman. All Jesus' brothers had chosen their work.
The family had a double wedding. James married Esta and Miriam married Jacob at the same time. It was such a happy time. James and Esta moved into a little house in Nazareth. Esta's dad gave them the house for a wedding present. James would still give money to take care of his mom's home. Now he would only give half the money he had been giving because he was married.
Miriam moved into her husband's house right next door. Jesus made Joseph the head of the family living at home with Mary.
Jesus had an important talk with James. This was a private talk. Jesus told James he was getting ready to leave home.
Jesus gave James the caravan store. Jesus put James in charge of the family's money. Jesus did not have to give money to the family anymore.
James promised to always keep the family safe and take care of the money. Then Jesus said, "But, my son, I will still send you money until I start my Heavenly Father's work."
Jesus was 26 years old. He had taken care of himself, his mom, and his brothers and sisters since he was 14 years old.
Joseph would be the father-brother to the children at home. He was head of the family now. James would always make sure his mom's family was safe and had enough money.
For a long time Jesus had been getting his family ready for the time he would leave home and begin God's work. Even his mom felt he was getting ready to leave them. But Mary wondered where Jesus would go and what he would do. She used to think Jesus was the Messiah but she hardly thought about that anymore. Mary really could not understand her son, Jesus.
Jesus was ready to leave home. Everyone was taken care of before he left. It was not easy to leave. Jesus loved his family.
Jesus told his family he was going to visit the cities around the Sea of Galilee. He left home quietly on a rainy Sunday morning.
Jesus stopped in the city of Capernaum. He visited an old friend of his dad. His name was Zebedee. He was a boat builder. He wanted to make better and safer boats. Zebedee asked Jesus to work with him. Jesus became a boat builder with Zebedee.
Jesus liked having a father-partner after working alone for so long. He lived at Zebedee's house. Zebedee had three sons, James, John, and David. He also had four daughters. The whole family loved Jesus. James, John, and David were important friends to Jesus. They would be important to God's work too.
Jesus liked the city of Capernaum. He led the Sabbath services in a new synagogue. Jude was a fisherman in a nearby city. He would come to hear Jesus talk in the synagogue.
Jesus also started having question and answer talks. These were after dinner each week. These talks were at Zebedee's house. All the many people who worked for Zebedee would come to the talks. They called Jesus the Master.
John Zebedee was Jesus' new, close friend. Jesus told John that he wanted to travel before he started God's work. Jesus had been sending a little money to his brother, James, for the family. He also had some money for travel. Jesus had worked for over a year with Mr. Zebedee. Mr. Zebedee had the rest of the money Jesus had made. Jesus asked John to take care of this money. He wanted John to send a little each month to his family.
John made a promise to Jesus. He told Jesus to go do his work in the world. John said he would watch over Jesus' family just like he would care for his own family. He promised to take care of Jesus' money, which his dad was holding. Then John said, "When the money is gone, if your mom needs anything, then I will share my own money with her. Go your way in peace."
Jesus went to Nazareth for Martha's wedding. Joseph, Simon, Jude, and Ruth were the only children living at home with Mary now.
After John said he would take care of Jesus' money from boat building, Jesus went to Jerusalem. For Passover, the whole Zebedee family met Jesus in Jerusalem.
Before Passover week was over, Jesus met a rich man. His name was Gonod. He had a 17-year-old son named Ganid. They were from India and were going on a trip to Rome. Gonod wanted Jesus to go with them and teach his son. Also, Jesus spoke many languages, which would help them. The trip would take two years. Jesus told Gonod about his family. Gonod gave Jesus money for one year, right then, before he started working for them.
Jesus gave the money Gonod paid him to John Zebedee. John already had the boat building money. After Jesus left, John took all the money and bought a little house for Jesus. John then rented the house to some people. He took the money he got for rent to Mary in Nazareth each month.
John and the Nazareth family never knew where Jesus went. Jesus only told Zebedee, John's dad. Zebedee promised never to tell anyone and he did not.
The real reason Jesus went on this trip was to know people. He met and loved all kinds of people—rich and poor, black and white, people who had been to school and people who had not, people who believed in God and people who did not. Jesus met all kinds of people.
Little by little, Jesus' Thought Adjuster helped him. By the end of his trip, Jesus knew for sure that he was a Paradise Son, the maker of all the worlds of Nebadon.
Jesus did personal work for the Paradise Father. He gave a few people at a time, Spiritual truth. He helped them to understand and find God. He gave them light.
On the trip to Rome, Jesus spent part of the day teaching Ganid. The other part of the day, he spent making new friends. Ganid learned a lot from Jesus and they became close friends.
Jesus had many, many talks with Ganid and the people he met. One talk was about good, bad, and sin.
Good is truth. Good is the right thing to do. Bad is untruth. It is the wrong thing to do.
If you know what the good and right thing to do is but you choose to do the bad or wrong thing because you feel like it, then that is a sin.
We have the power to choose good or bad. We can choose right or wrong. Sometimes we do not know or understand if something is good or bad. If we choose to do the wrong thing because we did not know or understand, we are not sinning. We picked the bad by mistake.
The Paradise Father loves us. He understands us. The Spiritual Father does not punish us for mistakes. Sometimes we hurt ourselves when we make mistakes but that is not God's punishment.
Our First Father wants us to learn what is right. He wants us to be wise and make good choices. When we make good choices we are doing things God's way. The Heavenly Father is perfect truth, goodness, and love.
Nothing that is bad, wrong, or a sin can be part of God. Those things keep us far from the Father in heaven. We need to try to be like the Perfect Father so that we can be close to him. The closer we are to God, the more we can feel his love!
Ganid asked Jesus why he spent so much time with strangers. Jesus said, "Ganid, nobody is a stranger if you know God. If you know God is your Father, then you know that everyone is your brother or sister. Isn't it exciting to meet a new brother or sister? Learning to love your brothers and sisters is the best part of life!"
One day Ganid asked Jesus why he was not a public teacher now. Jesus answered, "My son, everything must wait the coming of time. The green fruit on the tree gets ripe only with time. Sundown follows sunrise only with the passing of time. You are born into the world but all your worry and impatience will not make you grow up faster. You must wait upon time. What happens tomorrow is in the hands of my Father in heaven."
Someone who is loyal is someone who really cares about another person. A loyal person will help people they are loyal to whenever they need help. A person can trust a loyal friend. A loyal person would never hurt their friend on purpose. A loyal person does not break a promise. A loyal person will love their friend even when their friend sometimes acts unlovable. A loyal person does what they know is right in their heart for the people they are loyal to.
Jesus was loyal to his family. He took care of them. He helped them when they needed help. Remember when Jude ran away? Remember when Jude was acting unlovable and his other brothers wanted to kick him out? Jesus showed us what being loyal is.
One of the greatest things we can be is loyal. We can be a loyal child, a loyal sister or brother, a loyal friend. Then when we grow up, we will know how to be a loyal husband or wife and a loyal parent.
We should be loyal to God by sharing his love. To be a loyal person is to be more like Jesus.
Jesus said good-bye to Gonod and Ganid. He then went to Capernaum. He visited the Zebedee family. John Zebedee showed Jesus the little house he had bought for him.
Jesus' brother, James, now worked in Zebedee's boat shop just like Jesus use to do. Jesus turned the little house over to James to take care of. Then Jesus went back to Nazareth.
Simon and Jude wanted to get married. They had waited for Jesus to come back. Now they had a double wedding.
Ruth was 15 years old. She was the only child living at home with Mary. The family had a meeting. They decided that Ruth and Mary would move to Capernaum. They would live in the little house John Zebedee had bought with Jesus' money.
James and his family already lived in Capernaum. They would be close to Ruth and Mary if they needed help. In Nazareth, Joseph and his family would move into the family home. Miriam and Jacob still lived next door.
Now Jesus had family living in both Capernaum and Nazareth.
Jesus went to Zebedee's workshop. He got ready to work and said, "It is right for me to keep busy while I wait for my time to come." Jesus worked in the boat shop next to his brother James. As time passed, they heard about someone named John the Baptist. Jesus kept working as John the Baptist preached his way up the Jordan River valley. Then in January A.D. 26, Jesus laid down his tools and said, "My time has come."
An angel named Gabriel had visited Mary before Jesus was born. He told her Jesus would be a special Spiritual teacher. Gabriel had also visited John's mom before he was born. He told her John would get things ready for Jesus. John and Jesus were second cousins. John's parents were older and he was their only child. After John's dad died, he took care of his mom. John was a shepherd and had flocks of sheep. He lived in the wilderness. When his mom died, he gave away his sheep.
John spent over two years reading the holy writings, praying and getting ready. He believed he should preach about the coming Messiah. He began his work as a public preacher. He told the people to get ready for the kingdom of heaven.
John was a strange looking man from the wilderness but many, many people believed him. John baptized all the believers in the Jordan River.
John was asked if he was the Messiah. He said, "No, after me will come someone who is greater than I am. His shoes I am not good enough to unbuckle. I only baptize you with water. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
James and John Zebedee went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. A month later, Jesus laid down his tools and said, "My time has come." Jesus and two of his brothers, James and Jude, went to John the Baptist.
Jesus, James, and Jude went down to the Jordan River. They got in line to be baptized. When John saw Jesus, he was surprised. John thought Jesus should baptize him. Jesus said John should baptize him so that the people would know that his time had come.
John baptized them. He then told the many people there to go home for the day. As the people left, John, James and Jude saw something over Jesus' head. Then a voice said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
The Thought Adjuster is a tiny piece of God. Jesus’ Thought Adjuster was just like everyone's Adjuster. Everyone can talk to their Spirit Father, their Adjuster.
Jesus was a mortal man. But at the same time, he was a perfect Paradise Son. When Jesus was baptized something special happened.
Jesus' Thought Adjuster left him. His Adjuster went to Paradise. The Paradise Father sent that small part of himself back to Jesus. God made Jesus' Thought Adjuster special. Now Jesus, a Paradise Son, could hear and see his special Adjuster.
All this happened in about a minute. What John, James, and Jude saw over Jesus' head was his Thought Adjuster coming back. Then they heard God, as the Thought Adjuster, say, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
Jesus had always shared his love for the Heavenly Father with other people. When anyone does that, they are doing God's work or God's will. God wants us to take his love and pass it on. That is doing the Spirit Father's will.
Jesus was more than a man. He was also a Paradise Son. He decided he would not use his Paradise Son powers, his superhuman powers, unless that was what the Heavenly Father wanted.
Just like us, Jesus had free will. He could do things his own way or things the Father's way. Jesus chose to live his life doing things God's way. He always did the Spirit Father's will.
Jesus perfectly understood the Paradise Father. Now he would tell the world about the First Father's love for his children. He would help the world understand God better. This would be his public teaching work. He would teach others about God and they would pass it on—they would also teach others.
Jesus had gone into the hills. He prayed and talked all these things over with the Spirit Father. He also spoke to Gabriel, the angel. Gabriel told Jesus, Michael of Nebadon, how all his other worlds were doing.
Jesus had twelve apostles. An apostle was someone who had lived with Jesus and had been trained by Jesus to teach others. They all lived and traveled together. In a way, they were Jesus' apostle family.
Each apostle was different. Each did a different job for the apostle family. Jesus picked the first six apostles. He trained them for a while and then let each of them pick someone to join the apostle family. Jesus was always teaching them God's truths.
Andrew was born in Capernaum. He was the oldest child in his family. There was Andrew, his brother, Simon Peter, and three sisters. Andrew and Simon Peter were fishing partners with James and John Zebedee.
When Andrew was chosen as an apostle, he was 33 years old. He was one year older than Jesus and the oldest apostle. He was not married.
Andrew's job was to be head of the apostle family. He was a good leader. He quickly made decisions. He wisely knew which problems to take to Jesus.
The apostles called Jesus by the title, Master. They nicknamed Andrew, Chief.
Simon Peter, his brother, was also an apostle. Andrew and Simon Peter were very different. But, these two brothers got along very, very well. Simon Peter was the best preacher of the twelve. But, Andrew was never jealous. They were proof that two very different brothers can live and work together well.
The way you are inside is called your nature. Andrew had a strong, solid nature. He was a good, clear thinker. Andrew also had a great gift. He found the hidden talents of young people.
What Andrew needed to work on was building a more hopeful nature. He did not praise the apostles. He did not get excited about the new things they learned.
Andrew loved many things about Jesus. What he loved the most about Jesus was his honest and true nature.
Simon Peter was 30 years old when he became an apostle. Jesus called him Peter.
Peter was married and had three children. His wife joined the women's group. After Jesus died, Peter and his wife worked together. They went to many churches and other places to teach about God the Father.
Andrew assigned the apostle jobs. Peter, James, and John were Jesus' personal helpers. They stayed near Jesus all the time. They did whatever Jesus needed.
Peter was a great talker and preacher. He did more than any other apostle to win people to the kingdom of heaven. Peter was a fast thinker. But, he was not a deep thinker. He was always getting into trouble because he talked before he thought!
Peter asked more questions than any of the other apostles. Most were good questions but some were just silly. Jesus scolded him for this but it did not seem to stop Peter.
Peter had a happy nature. He was also a loyal friend. What Peter needed to work on was controlling his feelings. He would swing from one feeling to another like being brave one minute to being afraid the next.
What Peter loved most about Jesus was his loving and forgiving nature. After Jesus was arrested, a servant girl teased Peter. Jesus had warned Peter all about what would happen. But, Peter still said he did not know Jesus. Peter was ashamed. He hoped Jesus would forgive him. He felt much better after he learned that Jesus still loved him and forgave him. Peter really loved Jesus with his whole heart.
James was the oldest son of Zebedee the boat builder. He was 30 years old when he became an apostle. He was married and had four children.
Jesus nicknamed him "son of thunder" because he lived his life to the full. James was full of energy.
James and his brother, John, had been fishing partners with Andrew and Peter. James and John had known Jesus longer than any of the apostles.
James and John did a good job of getting along for two stubborn brothers. They had great love for each other and had been happy playmates as children. They did not get along as well as Andrew and Peter but they did a good job.
Of all the apostles, James understood Jesus' teachings the best. He was a good thinker like Andrew. James could see all sides of a problem and work things out well. He was also a good planner.
James was a busy man but never in a hurry. He was a very good preacher. James was a great worker—a daily server. He did not brag or show off about his work after he understood the Spirit kingdom.
What James needed to work on was his times of silence. For no reason he just would not talk for days at a time to the other apostles. James also had strong feelings and could become very angry. Most of the time, James made up excuses or reasons for his anger. He believed it was all right to become angry if he had a good reason. James was brave enough to stand up for the things he believed.
What James loved most about Jesus was his understanding love. Jesus was always interested in both the small and the great, and the rich and the poor.
John was 24 years old and the youngest of the twelve apostles. He was not married. He lived at home with his parents outside the city of Capernaum.
John took care of Jesus' personal money. He also took care of Jesus’ family matters. He did this both before and after he became an apostle. Peter, James, and John were Jesus' personal helpers. Many people thought that John was a favorite apostle. John was trusted by Jesus. He was very dear to Jesus. But, Jesus had no favorites. Jesus was always loving and fair to everyone.
John had courage and was loyal. He thought a lot but said very little. He bravely went with Jesus when the Romans arrested Jesus. He stayed with Jesus until the very end.
John did not talk very much unless he got angry. He learned to control his temper. In later years, John was put in prison many times. His wisdom and quiet control saved him.
John had a wonderful imagination. He was faithful and could be counted on to do the things he promised. John took care of Jesus' mother, Mary, after Jesus died.
What John needed to work on was conceit. He thought he was too great and important. Jesus changed John into the apostle of love. When John got very old he was still preaching, "My little children, love one another." John would live to be 101 years old.
What John liked best about Jesus was his love and unselfishness. John knew how Jesus always took care of his mother and family. Jesus made sure they had a home but he never had one of his own. John felt bad that only Jesus' little sister, Ruth, understood him. The rest of the family just never understood Jesus.
When Philip became an apostle, he was 27 years old. He was married but had no children yet. Philip had six brothers and sisters. His people were fishermen.
It was Philip's apostle job to get the food. He made sure the apostles, visitors, and sometimes even the crowds of people, had something to eat. Philip did his job well.
Philip was a common, everyday kind of man. He was good at how he got jobs and other things done. He was not a man who could do big things. But, he was a man who could do little things in a big way and do them well.
The other apostles gave Philip a nickname, which meant curious. They called him “Curious Philip" because he was the kind of person that needed to be shown things. Philip did not have imagination. He could not see how to work out a problem.
Jesus never scolded Philip for asking silly questions. Jesus knew that Philip did not have the kind of mind that could understand. Jesus knew that on his worlds there are lots and lots of other slow thinking mortals. Jesus wants them to feel free to come to him with their questions and problems.
What Philip loved most about Jesus was that he was generous. Jesus was never stingy.
Philip was not the kind of preacher to tell people to go and do something. He always said, "Come with me. I will show you the way." Many people just like Philip came to hear Jesus preach. It made them feel good to see someone like them picked as an apostle.
Philip came from a family of seven children. After Jesus died and went back to the Father, Philip baptized his whole family. Philip's wife belonged to the women's group. After Philip and his wife died, their oldest daughter kept doing Spirit work for the kingdom.
Nathaniel was 25 years old when he became an apostle. He was not married. He was the last apostle that Jesus picked.
Nathaniel was the youngest of seven children. He took care of his old and weak parents. None of his brothers or sisters lived near them so he took care of his parents by himself.
It was Nathaniel's job to look after all the apostle's families. He would find out who was in need and send those families money. If Nathaniel heard that anything had happened to anyone under his care, he went right away to that home. The apostles felt good knowing their families were safe.
The most wonderful thing about Nathaniel was that he was honest. He was nicknamed "Honest Nathaniel.” Nathaniel was a great storyteller. Also, he could make people laugh. Jesus liked hearing Nathaniel make people laugh.
What Nathaniel needed to work on was being too proud. If you are too proud, it means you think something is greater (or more important) than it really is. Nathaniel was too proud of many things like his family, city, and country. But he was not stubborn about this.
Nathaniel loved Jesus most for his patience. Jesus was always patient with people and what they thought.
All the apostles, (except Judas Iscariot) loved Nathaniel. Once, Judas went to Jesus to complain about Nathaniel. Jesus told Judas not to judge Nathaniel. He told Judas to leave Nathaniel alone. He told him to worry about his own work.
After Nathaniel's parents died, he went to India. In India, he preached and baptized. He was a great man in the kingdom and did a lot to spread Jesus' teachings.
Andrew chose Matthew to be an apostle. Matthew was 31 years old. He was married and had four children. He and his family were tax collectors. Most people did not like tax collectors.
Matthew was very thankful that he, a taxman, had been chosen. He was glad Jesus and the apostles accepted him. Matthew loved Jesus for this. And, He loved Jesus for his forgiving nature.
Matthew was in charge of getting the money they needed. The apostles called him the "money getter.” If they needed money, Matthew could order everyone to go back to work fishing. But Matthew never did this after they started their public work.
Believers gave money to Matthew to help with God's work. Matthew never asked for money from the crowds of people. He talked personally to people. He asked the rich believers to give money.
The most wonderful thing about Matthew was how well he made friends. Also, he got along with all kinds of people. Matthew worked on understanding the Spirit side of life. He did very well with that.
Matthew was the only apostle who came from a family with money. When he did not get enough money for the week, he put in his own money. Sometimes he wanted to tell his brother apostles about this but he never did. Sometimes Matthew did not want to go out and get money. He wanted to hear Jesus teach. Then he would have to put in his own money too.
Matthew gave his own money in secret. He thought the others would think a taxman’s money was bad. He did not tell Jesus but Jesus always knew about these things. The apostles all died never knowing Matthew gave them all his money and ended up poor.
Philip chose Thomas to be an apostle. He was 29 years old. He was married with four children. Thomas had been a carpenter, stonemason, and fisherman. He had not been to school much but he had a great mind.
Like a scientist, Thomas looked for truth and proof. If Thomas had seen any untruths, he would have left them all. In later times, he became known as "Doubting Thomas" but the apostles never called him that.
Thomas' childhood was not very good. His twin sister died when he was nine years old. His parents were not happy in their married life. He grew up with a grumpy nature. Even his wife was glad to see him leave with the apostles. At first, some of the apostles felt that Thomas was mean and not trusting. After they got to know him, they really liked him.
Andrew put Thomas in charge of their trips. He planned where they would stay. Many times, he picked the cities where they would teach.
Thomas was honest and loyal. What he needed was to be more trusting. There were many people like Thomas. People, who were honest but did not fully understand, would join Jesus after they saw Thomas.
Thomas was always worried about being too safe. He would argue to the end. But if Jesus or the others decided to do something, Thomas was the first to say, "Let's go!" He was a good loser. He was also one of the bravest of the twelve.
Thomas loved Jesus’ balanced nature. Jesus was strong but at the same time gentle; so forgiving but always fair; helpful but never bossy; brave but never foolish; playful but never silly. Jesus enjoyed Thomas very much and had many long talks with him.
John and James Zebedee picked James and Judas Alpheus as their choices for apostles. They were 26-year-old twins. Both were married. James had three children and Judas had two. They looked alike, thought almost alike, and had the same beliefs in God.
These twins were very common fishermen. They were good-natured, simple-minded helpers and everyone loved them. They were not smart but they were big-hearted and kind. They were the least important of all the apostles. They knew it and felt cheerful about it. They were happy to find themselves with a group of such mighty men.
Andrew put James and Judas in charge of the crowds of people. They kept peace among the people when there was preaching. The rest of the time, they were helpers of the apostles. They helped Philip with the food. They carried money to the families for Nathaniel. They were always ready to help.
The common people felt good that two men like themselves were picked as apostles. Many other simple people and people who were afraid became believers because of the twins.
James Alpheus loved Jesus because he lived plain and simple, not fancy. Judas Alpheus loved Jesus because he never acted more important than other people. They believed in Jesus. They were sons of God and brothers of the kingdom of heaven. They loved Jesus and Jesus loved them.
The twins had great faith in Jesus and served well. But they did not understand how to set up the kingdom. After Jesus returned to the Father, they returned to their families and fishing. But they lived and died knowing they had been blessed with four years of close friendship with a Son of God.
Peter chose Simon Zelotes to be an apostle. He was 28 years old and not married. Simon lived with his family in Capernaum.
Simon had a fiery nature and felt deeply about things. Before he became an apostle, Simon was a Zealot, that group of people who were against the Romans and high taxes.
Simon worked on changing himself from a person that thought just about the Jewish people. He tried to think about all the people of the world. He slowly changed from a fighting kind of person. He became a preacher of "Peace on Earth and good will among men."
Andrew put Simon in charge of their free time. Simon did a good job. He planned their play and rest times. Jesus did not want everyone to just work. He wanted to see people happy in their work and play.
Simon was loyal to the Spirit kingdom. He was good at helping people find the kingdom of heaven. When the apostles talked to a person that was unsure about the kingdom of heaven, they sent for Simon. He helped the person settle their doubts and choose eternal life.
Simon liked to argue and this was turned into a good thing. Many educated Jews and Greeks very much liked talking to Simon. He helped many people understand the Spirit kingdom.
What Simon loved most about Jesus was his calm and controlled nature. Simon was loyal to Jesus and had deep love for him.
Simon preached the gospel of Jesus and baptized believers until he was an old man. When he died, he was buried in Africa.
Nathaniel chose Judas Iscariot to be an apostle. He was 30 years old and not married.
Judas was the only son of unwise parents. He was a spoiled child. He grew up with big ideas about himself. He thought he was very important.
Judas did not understand what was fair. He was a poor loser. He also had feelings of hate. He many times thought people were hurting his feelings when they really were not. He was always thinking about getting even or getting back at people. Judas did not understand himself. He was not honest with himself.
Judas' parents were so unwise that when he followed the new teachings about God his parents kicked him out of their family.
Judas was in charge of the money. He carried the money and paid the bills. He was honest and did a very good job.
The apostles loved Judas. There was nothing special about Judas' nature. On the outside, he had good manners. He had more education than all the other apostles did.
Judas believed in Jesus but never loved him with a whole heart. Jesus knew the danger of letting Judas be an apostle. But Paradise Sons always give everyone a chance for eternal life. Jesus did everything he could to save this weak and confused apostle.
Judas felt his feelings had been hurt many times. He started thinking about getting even. His dangerous thinking led him to turn against Jesus and his true friends—his apostle brothers.
After Jesus was killed, Judas went out and killed himself. The worlds have found it hard to forgive Judas. Jesus could only feel sorry for Judas.
Jesus spent many months teaching the apostles. He wanted them to understand God the Father better. This was very hard to do. The people had old ideas about God. They thought God was mean, angry and punished them. Jesus taught the apostles the truth. Spirit truth is also called light. Jesus gave them light to take the place of their old and dark ideas.
The apostles slowly learned. After the apostles understood the Spirit Father better they did personal work. Sometimes this meant they went from house to house to talk to people. Jesus sent two apostles together to work. They never went alone.
After they became good at their personal work, they learned public preaching. But all this took time. They had a lot to learn.
Jesus wanted people to know the truth. Jesus taught the truth. We call this truth the gospel.
Jesus taught many, many things. But what Jesus wanted most was for people to know and understand God better.
The most important gospel was the good news that God is our loving Father. We are all his children. We are all brothers and sisters.
Jesus said, "God is your Father and you are all his children. If you believe this with your whole heart, you are saved. You have eternal life and will live forever. When you know this truth you are free."
In the old days on Earth, there were kings and queens, and slaves. Jesus used the words "kingdom of heaven" so that the people would understand it was a Spirit kingdom. If Jesus was here today, he might call it "the family of heaven" instead of the "kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus taught us that God the Father loves all his children. When children take the Father's love, they let God into their lives. The kingdom of heaven or the family of heaven is now in that child's heart.
The Heavenly Father loves all his children. When children take the Father's love, they let God into their hearts. But you cannot keep love locked up in your heart or it dies. You have to pass love on. The Father wants us to take his love and pass it on to his other children. When you do this, you belong to the brotherhood of men.
The way to pass the Father's love to his other children is to be helping and caring to people in need. You try to love everyone like the Father and Jesus love you.
Ambassador is a big word. It is also a big job. Sometimes a very important person cannot go or be some place. He can send another person to take his place. This other person is called an ambassador.
The ambassador must act like and do the things the important person would do if they were there. The ambassador must be very, very loyal to the person they stand and act for.
Jesus was an ambassador for the Heavenly Father. Jesus acted like and did all the things that the Father would have done if he had been on Earth. Jesus taught the apostles about the Paradise Father. The apostles became ambassadors for the Father. The apostles did not understand everything. But, they worked very hard at being good ambassadors.
In some ways, we can be ambassadors of the Father's family. We can share the Father's love with his other children. We can serve and help others as Jesus did. And we can share peace on Earth and good will to all people.
We can better understand the Master's teachings by the way Jesus lived his life. But it is his life, not his teachings that best help us understand and know the Father's loving nature.
To love your neighbor as you love yourself is the "golden rule.” That is brotherly love. Fatherly love looks for the best in people. Fatherly love means you love your fellows as Jesus loves you. We can ask ourselves, what would Jesus do, and then love each other that way. Fatherly love is the kind of love we really want to share when we love God.
Jesus told the apostles they were the light of the world. It was their job to take Jesus' truth or light and share it. They should shine just enough so that people could be led to the Father. If their light was too bright, they would blind and confuse people. If their light was too bright, they would be trying to get attention for themselves. 82-DON'T WORRY
Jesus taught that you must trust the Heavenly Father to take care of you but remember, "He who will not work will not eat." Jesus does not want people to worry. The Father is always happy to help you. But, he does not do things for you that you can do for yourself.
One night Jesus talked about some of the things people were afraid of and believed. He said:
- The Spirits of the dead do not come back to Earth. (There are no ghosts.)
- There are no lucky things that can control the Spirit world, heal people, or stop accidents.
- Magic and spells are only tricks or pretend.
- There is no good or bad luck. There are not lucky numbers.
- Dreams have nothing to do with the Spirit world.
- The stars in the sky have nothing to do with your life on Earth.
Jesus told the apostles to teach parents how to help their children. Parents should wisely help their children to choose their heroes. Parents should wisely help their children to choose their life's work.
Parents should teach both boys and girls to be tenderhearted. This means loving, warm, sensitive, and to have a soft heart. Boys should show their feelings just like girls. (Jesus did.)
Jesus also said children have kind and tender natures. He said children are good peacemakers. They are brave and do not run from problems. Jesus told the apostles to believe and trust in God like little children.
Jesus thinks little children are wonderful!
Jesus and the apostles were going to Jerusalem to start their public work. They said good-bye to family and friends who had come to wish them well. Andrew went to find Jesus who had left the party. He found Jesus crying. Andrew asked Jesus why he was crying and who had upset him. Jesus said, "Not one of you has upset me. I am sad because none of my family has remembered to come over to wish us Godspeed."
Ruth was away in Nazareth. The rest of the family stayed away because they did not understand Jesus.
Sometimes the apostles had a hard time winning believers to the kingdom. Some people thought their teachings were for weak people. Jesus taught that the Paradise Father rules by the power of love. Love is the greatest of all Spirit truth. Someday love will rule our world.
Jesus told them that the unbelievers might tease them for preaching a gospel of no fighting. They might tease them for teaching that God is our Father. And, they might be teased for preaching about the brotherhood of man. Jesus said that no armies had ever been braver. Being a hero comes from the bravery of God-knowing men. You are all God knowing men. You are ambassadors.
This made the apostles very happy. They went out preaching with even stronger courage.
Jesus did not want to do wonders and miracles unless it was the Father's wish. People who believe in something they cannot see have the strongest faith. It is easy to believe something that is shown to you. That kind of easy belief does not always grow.
Most of the miracles Jesus did were the healings of sick people. One time the news spread that Jesus had healed a young man. Later that day when Jesus stepped out of Zebedee's house there was a crowd of sick people in the front yard. Jesus healed all 683 men, women, and children. But hardly any of these healed people's faith grew. After this sundown healing in Capernaum, crowds of people followed Jesus. Many just wanted to see him do miracles.
Jesus said that a child with Spirit faith moves toward the Father. The child may at first move slowly, but growth is sure.
It is not important how fast you grow but that you are moving closer to the Father.
Every day, by faith, you grow closer to God.
It is better to have a small but growing faith than to have a great mind filled with Spirit unbelief.
For five months, Jesus and the apostles stayed at Zebedee's house. A very big camp was set up by the seaside. This was a tent city for the hundreds of visitors.
An evangelist is a person who travels around teaching the gospel. A school was started at the camp to teach evangelists. The apostles taught the students in the morning. In the afternoon, the students went to the seaside to teach what they had learned. After supper, they all talked over what they had learned and taught that day.
Very near the camp, they made the first hospital ever. The doctor had help from 25 women and 12 men. They helped the sick with prayer, faith, and what they knew about medicine in those days.
No miracle healings happened. But, the 1,000 people who went away better or healed told everyone that Jesus had healed them by miracles.
Most of the apostles were sent out to different cities with 10 or 12 new evangelists. Jesus went from city to city to see how they were doing.
Zebedee had three sons. James and John were apostles. His third son, David, started helping.
In those days, there were no telephones. If you wanted to tell someone far away anything, you sent a messenger. A messenger was a person who would remember what you said and run to the person to tell them.
David started a messenger service. He had about 50 men who ran from city to city. They would tell Jesus, the apostles or other workers the news. There were many people working for the kingdom in many places. David's service was very helpful.
Back in the days of Jesus, women were not treated fair. Women could not walk with the men or go to worship God with the men. Girls were not allowed to go to school. Men use to think they were better than women.
Jesus did something very daring and brave. Jesus made 12 women teachers of the gospel. These women had worked in the hospital and had heard all the teachings for the evangelists. These women belonged to what was called the women's corps.
All the men were shocked, even the apostles. What Jesus did, set all women free. Many, many times Jesus had taught that the Father loves all his children the same. Many times Jesus had told them that the kingdom was open to everyone. That meant black and white, rich and poor, men and women.
93-FEEDING THE 5,000
One Sunday, Jesus and the apostles went to a park. They needed to get away from all the people and rest. But the people found them. By lunchtime on Wednesday, there were 5,000 people with them.
The people were hungry but they would not leave. Many whispered that Jesus was going to be the king. Most of the people still did not understand that Jesus was teaching them about a Spirit kingdom. They wanted an Earth king.
Jesus decided to feed all the people. It was also the Father's will. The apostles only had five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus thanked the Father for the food. Then he broke the bread and had helpers pass it out to the crowd. This was a miracle. The little bit of food turned into enough food to feed every single person.
After the people were full of bread, they wanted to make Jesus their king. Jesus said no. He said now that their stomachs were full they wanted an Earth king. They wanted to eat bread without working for it.
Jesus wanted to fill their hearts with Spirit truth. He wanted the people to make the Spirit Father the king of their hearts.
When the people heard this, they were sad. Most of the people went home and would not follow Jesus anymore.
Many of the Jewish leaders were upset by Jesus. Some were afraid. Some had closed their dark hearts and would not let the Spirit light in.
These Jewish leaders wanted to tell the people what to think about God. They wanted to make the people follow all the Jewish rules. They did not want the people to choose.
Now the Jewish leaders would not let Jesus preach in the synagogues. They did not want him to talk at the temple in Jerusalem. They went to one of the Roman rulers. His name was Herod. Herod agreed to have his soldiers arrest Jesus if Jesus went to Jerusalem.
Jesus met with the evangelists, the women's corps, and 150 loyal believers (disciples). From all these believers, Jesus picked 70 people. They would be new gospel preachers and teachers. A man named Abner was picked as the leader of this group.
Teaching began. Jesus gave a talk each morning. Peter taught public preaching. Nathaniel told them how to teach. Thomas taught them how to answer questions. Each apostle taught the group of 70 how to do the things they did best.
When the 70 were ready, Jesus sent them out to work. No one went alone. They went by twos. They were to teach the people this one commandment or rule: Love God with all your mind and Spirit and your neighbor as yourself. This one commandment took the place of 613 rules made by the Jewish leaders.
Jesus began to teach by telling a story. The kind of story he told is called a parable. The people who were against Jesus never understood his parables. It confused their dark minds.
The believers would learn a lesson from the parable. Believers learned different lessons from the same parable. That was because everyone was different. They all thought and felt different. All believers had Spirit faith. Some had stronger faith than others. But, all believers had their hearts open to the truth.
A kindhearted man has 100 sheep. One of them gets lost. The good shepherd leaves the other sheep to go find his one lost sheep. He does not stop looking until he finds his lost sheep.
When he finds his lost sheep, he carries it home. He calls his friends and neighbors. He says, "Be happy with me because I have found my sheep that was lost."
Jesus said the Heavenly Father does not want to lose even one of his little children. Some people believed that God would take back a lost child who was sorry. Jesus taught that the Spirit Father goes out to find his lost children even before they know they are lost or sorry.
Jesus said, "The Father in heaven loves his children so you should learn to love each other. The Father in heaven forgives you so you should learn to forgive each other."
They were going to Jerusalem. Jesus told his apostles he knew he would be arrested. He said people would make fun of him. He would be spit on and whipped. Then they would kill him. Jesus told them not to be afraid when this happened.
Jesus said, "On the third day I will rise. Listen and remember that I have warned you ahead of time."
The apostles were shocked. They did not understand. They just could not believe that the Master meant exactly what he said.
Jesus told the apostles not to do any public work during the Passover. Jesus said he would preach before he died.
A fighting king always rode a horse into a city. A king of peace and friendship always rode a donkey into a city. Jesus would go into Jerusalem in peace and good will. He would ride a donkey.
David Zebedee sent his messengers ahead to Jerusalem. They spread the news that Jesus was coming. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, thousands rushed to greet the Son of Peace.
The Jewish leaders were afraid to have Jesus arrested. The people were cheering Jesus. The Jewish leaders met to talk. They said they had to do something. They said if they did not stop these people, the whole world would like Jesus!
The next day they returned to the temple. The apostles wondered what Jesus would do. But Judas wondered what he should do. Judas wanted to quit.
Jesus began to talk to the crowds of people. A loud fight over money started. Also, a boy was moving about 100 cows through the temple courts.
Jesus stopped talking. He took away the boy's whip and sent the cows out of the temple. Then he began to open all the animal gates to drive out all the animals.
The people got excited. They kicked over the money tables. Soon everything that did not belong in the Spirit Father's temple was gone. By the time the Roman soldiers got there, everyone was settled down. Then the people sang and listened to Jesus.
Jesus gave his last public talk. It was about love and forgiveness. He also spoke about the untrue Jewish teachers and rulers. Jesus said he would not teach again in the temple. He said his work was done.
Jesus told the apostles not to go to Jerusalem. He wanted them to think and be ready for what was going to happen.
Jesus wanted to go into the hills alone to pray. David Zebedee wanted to send guards with Jesus. Jesus said no one would touch him until it was time.
A boy named John Mark brought Jesus a lunch basket for his time in the hills. When Jesus tried to take the basket, John Mark would not let go. John Mark said he would carry the basket and promised not to bother Jesus. There they were, both holding the basket. Jesus told John Mark he could go because he wanted to go with all his heart. So Jesus spent his last quiet day on Earth talking with John Mark and his Paradise Father.
Right after Jesus left to spend time in the hills, Judas Iscariot went straight into Jerusalem. He met with Jesus' enemies. Judas had told his family and friends he wanted to leave Jesus and the apostles. They told him the Jewish rulers would think he was great if he did. Judas agreed to work with the Roman captain. Judas would point out Jesus so they could quietly arrest him. Judas wanted to know what they were going to give him. They told Judas not to worry that he would get his reward after they got Jesus. What Judas planned to do is called betrayal. To betray a friend is the opposite of being loyal to a friend.
Jesus knew all about Judas and his plans to betray him. Jesus always knew these things. Jesus chose to have his last supper on Earth alone and quietly with his apostles. There would be no servants. They did not know where the last supper would be until it was time. Jesus led the way to John Mark's home. He stopped to talk to John Mark's parents. The apostles went upstairs.
Right by the door were tubs of water and towels for washing their dusty feet. The apostles all looked at each other. There was no servant to wash their feet. They all thought, "I'm not going to wash anyone's feet. I'm not going to act like a servant!"
Then they looked at the seats around the table. The seat for Jesus was higher so they knew where he would sit. The most important seat would be on the left side of Jesus. Then the seat on Jesus' right side was the next most important place to sit. The apostles were wondering if they should wait for Jesus to tell them where to sit. Then Judas Iscariot took the most important seat. The apostles became very upset. John Zebedee grabbed the next best seat. Peter was furious so he took the worst seat. He hoped when Jesus saw him sitting in the worst place that Jesus would move him to a more important place. Then all the other apostles took places.
They were still using angry words when Jesus came into the room. He did not look pleased but he did not say anything. They were ready to begin except their feet were not washed. And they were not in a pleasant mood.
Passover started the next night. Jesus knew he would not be with his apostles then. He decided they would have Passover dinner now, one night early. Everyone was quiet now. Jesus looked at each of them. Then he smiled. He said, "I have really wanted to eat this Passover with you. I will not eat with you again until you are with me in the kingdom. My Paradise Father will give me the kingdom when I am done with his work on this world.” They drank the first cup of the wine and water of the Passover.
The apostles were very curious when Jesus got up from the table. Jesus got everything ready just like a servant would. He went to Peter who sat in the worst place. He was going to wash Peter's feet.
As Jesus, their Master, knelt down, all the apostles jumped to their feet in shock!
Peter was embarrassed. He was the first person to believe with his whole heart that Jesus was a holy Son of God. Now the Master was acting like a servant.
"Master, you aren't really going to wash my feet are you?” Peter asked. Jesus answered, "Peter, if I don't wash your feet, then you won't be a part of what I'm going to do."
Well, Peter did not want to be left out. He said, "Then, Master, don't just wash my feet. Also wash my hands and head."
Jesus washed Peter's feet. He said, "Someone who is already clean only needs to have their feet washed. You who sit with me tonight are clean—all but one. This service will show you the meaning of a new commandment I will give you."
The Master washed the feet of each apostle, even Judas. Jesus talked to them about how they would not wash each other's feet.
Jesus said a servant is not greater than his master. The one who is sent is not greater than the one who sends him. Jesus taught them that he was not greater than God who sent him. Jesus wanted them to have the courage to serve their fellows just as he served them. He told them they should want to be fellow servants.
Then Jesus talked to them about fighting for the best places at the table. Jesus said there were no special places at his table because he loved them each the same.
Jesus said, "I must go to the Spirit Father. This will happen very soon. No one needed to betray me." The apostles wondered who Jesus meant.
Jesus said this person betrayed him because he did not love truth. Then Jesus said, "I wouldn't have told you this at our last supper but I want to warn you to be ready. Remember after I am gone that I knew all about these evil things and that I warned you ahead of time. I'm doing this so that you will be strong in the times ahead."
Then Jesus leaned over to Judas and said, "What you have decided to do, do quickly." Judas rushed out. The others thought Jesus had sent Judas on an errand to get something. Jesus knew that nothing would stop Judas from betraying him. Judas' heart was filled with hate. His love was dead.
Jesus blessed the third cup of wine. He said, "Take this cup, all of you, and drink it. This will be the cup of remembrance." Then he took the bread. After giving thanks, he broke it in pieces. Jesus said, "Take this bread of remembrance and eat it. When you do remember me, remember that I was once with you. Then, by faith, know that you will all sometime be with me in the Father's eternal kingdom. Remember the Father's plan for his Paradise Sons. Remember my life and words of truth. Remember my gift of the Spirit of Truth. And remember my love for you."
A commandment is a Spirit truth and rule to follow. Jesus gave a new commandment. Jesus said, "Love each other like I have loved you. If you love each other this way then everyone will know you are my disciples."
Jesus spoke about returning to the Father. He told the apostles that he would send a Spirit helper after he was gone. Jesus told them they could not follow him now, but in time, they would follow him.
Thomas said, "We don't know where you are going, so we don't know the way. We will follow you right now if you will show us the way."
Jesus said, "Thomas, I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you know me then you know the way to the Father."
Everyone goes to Michael of Nebadon on their Paradise trip to the First Father. But this was hard for the apostles to understand.
Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. I have warned you that I will be killed. I will come back for a little while before I go to the Father. After I have returned to the Father, I will send my Spirit of Truth."
Next Jesus said good-bye to each apostle. He said something personal to each of them and gave each his blessing. He told them to remember his promise to come back for a short time to be with them before he went to the Father. Jesus asked the Spirit Father to make each of the apostles strong. Then Jesus said, "I love you all with the same love my Father gives me. You should love each other with the same love I give you."
Take Jesus' love and pass it on!
Late that night the Roman soldiers came to arrest Jesus. He was waiting for them. Jesus even tried to save Judas from betraying him. Judas wanted to get a reward for helping to arrest Jesus. They tied Jesus' hands behind his back and took him away. John Zebedee went with Jesus. Roman law said Jesus could have one friend stay with him.
Jesus knew all the mean things they would do. These Jewish leaders had hearts filled with hate. They made fun of Jesus and even spit on him. But Jesus loved them anyway.
The law would not let the Jewish leaders kill Jesus. They had to take him to a Roman ruler named Pilate. Pilate was not a brave man. He was afraid of the Jews.
Pilate could not find anything wrong with Jesus. He decided to have Jesus whipped. He would then set Jesus free. A big crowd of people came to Pilate. After the soldiers whipped Jesus, they took him to the crowd of people.
Pilate told the people he was going to free Jesus. The Jewish leaders screamed, "No, kill him." When the people heard the leaders, they joined them and screamed, "Kill him."
Pilate knew Jesus should not be killed. Pilate was too afraid to do what was right. He let the Roman soldiers take Jesus to be killed.
Judas thought he was going to get a big reward for betraying Jesus. But people do not think well of betrayers. No one can trust someone who turns against a friend. Even the Jewish leaders did not want anything to do with Judas. The high priest sent his servant to give Judas his reward because he did not want to talk to Judas. The servant gave Judas 30 pieces of silver money.
Judas was shocked that these rulers allowed him to betray his friends and Master and then gave him a reward of 30 pieces of silver. Judas did not want money. He wanted to be important. He wanted the Jewish leaders to think he was great.
Still in shock, Judas walked away with the crowds of people who were going to watch Jesus die. When Judas saw what was being done to Jesus, he understood the terrible thing he had done. He rushed back to the Jewish leaders to talk to them.
Judas told these leaders that he had sinned because he had betrayed Jesus. He said he was sorry for what he had done and did not want the money. The Jewish leaders said they did not care about that or about him. They told Judas it was his problem to take care of and to get out. Judas threw the money on the temple floor and left.
Judas who had been an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven walked alone. He knew the true nature of sin. The excitement of acting out his sin was gone. Now he was alone to face the truth of his sin. Judas was so very, very upset over what he had done that he killed himself.
The Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross. That is how they killed people back then. It was awful.
Remember the Paradise Father's plan for his Paradise Sons. Michael of Nebadon needed to be born, live, and die just like all mortals do. He was born and named Jesus. He was a normal child. He grew up and taught the worlds about God the Father and his love for all his children. He taught us to love and serve our brothers and sisters.
Jesus needed to die and leave his body so he could go to the Paradise Father. The Spirit Father never chose how Jesus would die. The mean and awful unbelievers chose to kill Jesus on a cross. And Jesus loved them too. He asked the Father to forgive them.
Jesus told his apostles that he would die. He also told them that three days later he would rise. Jesus always spoke the truth.
Just like all saved mortals, Jesus rose but he was allowed to come back to Earth to visit. He was the morontia Jesus then. He made 19 visits in his morontia body.
The last visit was with his apostles. It was 40 days since he had died. Jesus reminded them that he would very soon send his Spirit of Truth. Jesus told them to love people like he had loved them. He told them to serve people like he had served them. He told them to teach people the truth that they are all the children of God and that all people are brothers and sisters.
Then Jesus said, "Remember all I have taught you. Remember the life I have lived with you. My love is over you. My Spirit will live with you. And my peace will be with you. Good-bye."
The morontia Jesus went to Edentia. He left as a perfect Spirit. He went to the Paradise Father. The Paradise Father gave his Paradise Son all the worlds of Nebadon. Michael of Nebadon, our Jesus, rules in power, glory, and love.
We will rise. And on our way to see the Father we will see Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is also love. He took the Father's love and passed it to us. He took his love and passed it to us. We have a lot of love to share.
Just hours after Jesus said good-bye, he sent his Spirit of Truth (Holy Ghost/spirit). The Heavenly Father sends his gift, the Thought Adjusters. Jesus sends his gift, the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth lives in the hearts of all who believe.
The Spirit of Truth helps us share our love from God with all his children.
193:1.1 (2053.3) About four o’clock on Sabbath afternoon, May 13, the Master appeared to Nalda and about seventy-five Samaritan believers near Jacob’s well, at Sychar. The believers were in the habit of meeting at this place, near where Jesus had spoken to Nalda concerning the water of life. On this day, just as they had finished their discussions of the reported resurrection, Jesus suddenly appeared before them, saying:
193:1.2 (2053.4) “Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that I am the resurrection and the life, but this will avail you nothing unless you are first born of the eternal spirit, thereby coming to possess, by faith, the gift of eternal life. If you are the faith sons of my Father, you shall never die; you shall not perish. The gospel of the kingdom has taught you that all men are the sons of God. And this good news concerning the love of the heavenly Father for his children on earth must be carried to all the world. The time has come when you worship God neither on Gerizim nor at Jerusalem, but where you are, as you are, in spirit and in truth. It is your faith that saves your souls. Salvation is the gift of God to all who believe they are his sons. But be not deceived; while salvation is the free gift of God and is bestowed upon all who accept it by faith, there follows the experience of bearing the fruits of this spirit life as it is lived in the flesh. The acceptance of the doctrine of the fatherhood of God implies that you also freely accept the associated truth of the brotherhood of man. And if man is your brother, he is even more than your neighbor, whom the Father requires you to love as yourself.
Your brother, being of your own family, you will not only love with a family affection, but you will also serve as you would serve yourself. And you will thus love and serve your brother because you, being my brethren, have been thus loved and served by me. Go, then, into all the world telling this good news to all creatures of every race, tribe, and nation. My spirit shall go before you, and I will be with you always.”
193:1.3 (2054.1) These Samaritans were greatly astonished at this appearance of the Master, and they hastened off to the near-by towns and villages, where they published abroad the news that they had seen Jesus, and that he had talked to them. And this was the seventeenth morontia appearance of the Master.
Reincarnation = reborn, rebirth, metempsychosis. Never happen.
Transformation = to change ones form of existence. From death unto a spiritual body. It is really called resurrection from the dead.
Resurrection = rise again of the human body/soul after death
Finaliters = 13, 30, 31, 118:2.1, 117:6.6,18
Appearance of Jesus = 193:1.1-3
Death – separation of body and soul – because the soul lives on if you got saved (means survival) if you did not get saved then the judgment will come for you and then you will cease to exist. For God does not allow sin in heaven so if you did not get saved then you are in sin and have sin so you cannot get into heaven unless you are saved. No exceptions
Because of choice/free will/morals after death we are not allowed to come back and tell everyone that what the Urantia book says is true and to follow it and get saved (means to survive death). But to tell them that it would take away free will for everyone to choose how they live out their lives.
"I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, Than to live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is."
“Practice what you preach so your Pastor doesn’t have to stretch the truth at your funeral!”
If your religion does not change you change your religion.
Once we understand that we live within the confines of God himself we then realize once saved God can now live within us.
To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for salivation from Satan's world and Hell. Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.
To become Saved. Read below.
Prayer of Salivation
God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught and it profited me not. Lord I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with over flowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Minister John Ruland III
Call for more information—812-657-5583 Home
johnruland@Gmail.com (HEADING) (The Changers Church)
Religion in Law
I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy
The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to
oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because
everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.
Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.
Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions
Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police?