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A woman’s Job in life is to take a house and make it a home.

Complaint: The Woman does not see her man enough because it seems like he is always working.

Answer: This is the way of life you have to work to provide the many things that are needed. When we are young when we start our very first job we will get very tired. In a little while we will start to get used to working and will have more energy to do other things. Just have to give them time to get used to the new job. I remember when I first got my first job I was so tired that it seemed like all I did was work and sleep then over time I got used to working and did not sleep so much and started to do more things when at home. Help him as much as you can right now because he needs you the most right now. Take care of the home and have dinner ready when he gets home. This is the way of life from now on. He is the one making the money so now it is your job to help him now so he can continue to work and provide the things you both need.

This will help when you realize that when you get your first job is when they hire someone they hire a human robot to do the job you are hired for and do the job as best you can. If you complain to much they will just replace the human robot with another one. You have to do the job the best way you can and if you need more information to do the job all you need to do is go ask your boss for more information. Then go back to work doing the boring human robot job that you were hired for. In time they might replace some human robots with real robots. But until that time all you can do is do your job the best way you can and don’t complain.

If and when you get married things will not change much but the spouce will have his last name. You will work and come home tired and will really need your help now. For they will be so tired from working all day that when they come home they will need rest and get food and drink. At this point in time you can make it hard for them and or take care of them. It is your job to take care of the house to make it a home for the both of you. This is also when you realize do I want to spend the rest of my life with him and him with you. How deep does your love go to be faithful to each other? This is when things will work between you and spend the rest of your lives together. Life is not fair and never will be. It is up to you now to be like your mom and take over the house and make it your home. You are the one that will make the house a home and what you do determines the outcome of how the home is run. You are the one that needs to take over and run the home now. Take care of him and provide the things he needs for he is the one that is making the money to get the things you both need and want. Some men seem to need to be grown up more than others and then you decide to have children he will grow up faster because now he has more to do and take care of. Then it really comes down to you and how you handle and decide to provide the many things the children will need and provide a good home for both of you and your children.  Now the next thing is do you want need to do to make the house a home for the both of you.

At this point in time it really comes down to what you want to do the rest of your life. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone and raise children or live alone and do everything alone the rest of your life? Life is what we make it and we can live out our lives by ourselves or with someone. Life is what we make it and the choices we make day today will determine where we end up when we are old. Life is up to you to live the way you want to live.

Then as a woman do you want to spend the rest of your life living alone and then you have to go to work and provide the many things that you will need. Everyone has choices to make day to day and with those many choices we have to make will determine where you end up when you get old. Will you have children to take care of you when you get old? It is your job to make your house a home. Try to do as many things together as much as possible. All the choices you make in life from here on will determine your future. Life is what we make it and life is not fair. Everything is up to you.


The man’s job around the house

Complaint: The wife does not care about the home to keep it clean and cook for him when he gets home from a long and tiresome day. She is complaining all the time about everything.

The job of a man is to take care of the home and to provide income to pay for the many things that are needed from day to day. To help around the home like take out the trash, help with dishes some, pick up after himself like put the dirty clothes in the hamper. Hang the towel up and even replace the TP when it is empty. Don’t leave everything for your wife to do because she has so much other things to do around the home. It is your job to make your house a home. Try to do as many things together as much as possible. Then there are many things that the outside of the home needs like everything, mow the lawn, plant flowers, weed, and basically take care of the whole outside of your home. The biggest one is when you have kids at any age make sure you get at least two nights a week by yourselves just to catch up on everything that is going on. No matter how small talk about it. The more you communicate the better your relationship will be. Instead of having her complain about a lot of things just say to her honey I love you and if you would like to have some extra stuff done around the house put a list on the fridge and when I have the time I will get it done for you. Then give her a big hug. Sometimes all she needs is more of your attrition when she is in complaining mode. So say you love her and give her a big hug. Like I have said the more time you spend together the better your relationship will be. There is one thing that everyone should do every day is take a shower every day when you get home from work and put on clean cloths and then go do what you want to do or get done. Once you setup a routine this will be the first thing you do when you get home. Even on the weekends when you do all kinds of stuff around the yard and then the home and when you get done go and take a shower and put on clean cloths. Even in the morning before you go to work you can even take another one if there were things that happened at night. Make sure that you are clean for your job and for your wife at night when you go to bed. No one likes to go by someone and they smell really bad just because they did not take a shower and change their cloths every day. In any relationship you have to have good commutation all the time. Talk about things and spend time together as much as possible. Even if it means to turn the TV OFF and or the phone, laptop, computer. And both of you need to spend time together even if it just to go out to eat someplace and just talk. Life is not fair, Love is blind, your job is a human robot job, human robots can be replaced with real robots, your wife is your best friend, your lover, the mother to your children, and the one that takes care of the house to make it a home. It is up to you to help her make that house a home. Love her and never cheat on her for she is the mother of your children and the one you choose to spend the rest of your life with. You chose her but not only that she chose you. As the years go by you will love each other more and more. Do the things that need to be done day to day and don’t complain just love her for who she is for she will change over time and so will you. The key to any relationship is to spend as much time together as possible to keep your friendship alive. Talk about everything that goes on no matter how small it is. Life is what you make it and the deeper your love goes for either other you can endure all the heart aches in life when it comes time to put your mom and dad in the ground you will still have each other. Family is the most important thing in life. Then the choices we make day to day will determine where we will end up when we got old.

Get both of them to work together:

When you get two people together and they start a relationship with each other and then decide to spend the rest of their lives together and get married it is time to really sit and talk about many things before you get married. Think of it as a learning experience between you because you will need this so that way you will know what the other one thinks about just about everything that can come up between you over time. Now don’t get upset and think that this is trying to get you to get mad and just walk off. This is a learning process so when these things come up you pretty much know what the other one is thinking. NO matter what though when these things come up in the future you still want to discuss the many things in life because sometimes things change and even the answer might change to what has come up? There is over 275 questions that you should ask each other before you get marred because there might be some that if when they come up it might be a game changer for the both of you. If you have kids the less you argue about things the better the relationship will be and the kids will not see you fighting all the time about little things that tomorrow will not matter. It is better to discuss them now so when they do come up you will pretty much know what the outcome will be but still want to talk about it anyway. In life things change from year to year. With work the kids, the home, and everything there is going on in life. Even a job change and sometimes change things around the home because all of a sudden you work more hours and at different times. Things change.