There are three things that everyone should do before marriage
There are three things that everyone has to do before they get married.
Most will only do two of them and that is why they get divorced.
Stage ONE: you find someone and then become friends and see each other all the time and even do many things together.
Information between Stage one and Stage three: you are now friends and if you miss this stage and get marred then divorce will come because you did not do this stage. Most do not do this so that is why there are so many divorces.
Stage TWO: now that you are friends and you are doing things together all the time and this is the time to have a relationship. A relationship is when you sit and talk about everything that you want out of life and everything else like, religion, jobs, where to live, even what car to drive, even which way the toilet paper goes. It goes under because if you have kids or cats if it goes over the front you will have a big pile of paper on the floor. If it goes down the back all that will happen is the paper roll just goes around and around and will not come off the roll.
Things like that will come up and some will fight over little things is because they never sat down and talked about it to see if you both can come to agreement on what to do if that comes up. There are websites will all kinds of questions that you can ask each other before you get married. Like where you want to live, what you what for a job, what car to buy, what happens when your parents need daycare and who will take care of them when they get old? How to discipline your children, who takes out the trash, what and how and when the house work will be done. There is just so much to talk over before you even think about marriage. That is why I say there is so many that miss this stage that is why there is divorce for sometimes the little things will come between you and cause you to with draw and even leave the marriage.
Stage THREE: once you have done stage one and two then when you do decide to get marred your marriage will last for if you get to this stage you have worked out many things and still friends and still together. Marriage is a contract to spend the rest of your lives together until death do you part. IT is a contract to spend the rest of your lives together. That is the only reason to get married is when you want to spend the rest of your lives together and have children and raise them the way you have already talked through and come to a understanding on how to raise your children and even what religion.
What I call the bedroom follies within the Special Olympics if the first time does not satisfy the needs then the second time or even the third time around can.
Ongoing relationship within your marriage: Have at least 3 days a week to have date night, get a baby sitter and just go out and sit and talk and or do something together away from the home.
Even if it is going out to eat and walking along the beach or park and or going to the mall and just walk around in the winter time for it is cold out so we go to the mall and just walk around and see what they have for sale. The only way you will stay friends is if you do things together outside of the home.
With taking care of the kids, working all day, and all the things we have to do each day we tend to grow apart for sometimes it seems like we never have time to even sit and talk let alone do something’s together any more. So you have to make it a point to have date night and set it up so you can have time together without the kids and or anyone else hanging around.
Then main thing is to stay friends and to do this you have to do things away from the home. There is a difference from family night to rent a movie to watch or get a board game and have interaction within the family. Movie night is good but a pick nick is better for if you do things with the family and interaction with them the kids will remember this. Like going camping and fishing in the summer. Or even just going to the park and playing ball and having lunch with them in the park.
Like they say the family that prays, plays and interacts together stays together.