What is your perception of many things

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What is your perception of many things
your perception of life and the way you see life. Everyone has a perception of what life is all about. Your out look on life is your view point on life. you are the only one that has that view point about life. everyone has a different view point about life and what is is all about to them. yes you will meet people that will have some of your view points but not all. everyone is unique on how they preserve life itself. what you think about religion, work, driving, what you eat, how you eat, the things you say, even the way you walk is all your own. everyone is unique in there own way. no matter what you are not replaceable with someone else because you are you and no one else is you. your thoughts sometimes are that no one cares what I do with my life and how I live it. Your mom and dad care about you because they raised you from a baby and they took care of you, feed you, bought cloths, washed your cloths, made you go to school to learn something and then no matter if they told you they loved you they did everything just for you. It took many years to get you grown enough to go out on your own into the world to make a place for yourself. everyone goes out with out knowing what to do in life. you just have to make a place for yourself and maybe find someone to share the rest of your life with you. Just think you might be able to have children and raise up your own someday and send them out into the world to make a place for themselves too.
there are many things we do not learn in school. you will only learn them in the world we live in. it is up to you to make the right choices in life. no one else will do that for you. some people like your mom and dad will try to guide you a long life's path. it I is your job to make a place in this world for you and in time your family if you have one.
Everyday there is an unknown in everyone's lives, there are many, many unknowing in this world. there are many lies, half truths, and even down right scams that some try to get away with everyday. then there are others that tell the truth and make and sell good products and make a good living for what they do.
as you get older you will find something that you like to do, play a musical instrument, make crafts, find something to do that can make you money. even if it is mowing the lawn.
There are many jobs out there that you can do. I Even found a job. You can even start your own business. everything in life is up to you. it is up to you to find your place in this world.