Poem: Do you know how to get to heaven?
Poem: Do you know how to get to heaven?
The bible tells us the way It's not through anything we could do,
we are all sinners gone astray We cannot change ourselves;
our hearts are sinful and black
The bible says we've all gone our own way and are totally off track.
There is no way we could ever be good enough, that we know for sure
So God in his great love and mercy provided the perfect cure
He gave the perfect sacrifice that could make our dark heart white
It is the precious blood of Jesus, who gave his life to make it right
Jesus shed his blood on Calvary to wash us from our sin
He does all the changing of our heart when we invite him in
Just put your faith in Jesus and trust in him alone
His dying on the cross paid it all and did for all our sins atone
Jesus' shed blood will wash your heart and cleanse all sin away
You'll receive the gift of eternal life and in Heaven you will be someday
Just come to Jesus as you are, it was for sinners his blood outpoured
Then you can rest assured you are forgiven and he will be your Lord