The Sermon that has to be taught

Church Main Contact There are only two genders. What's New Our Earthly Existence Opening Prayer What changed the world? Joke: Child asks Dad a question Sermon: Your Plans Sermon: GOD IS NOT A TRINITY Poem: Get to Heaven Sermon: What is Evolution  Information: We are called Christians Poem: God Bless You! Choices we make Sermon: Gender Sermon: How deep does your faith go? God gave us God gave us instinct Same Sex Joining Worldly things get in the way What is your perception of many things Judgment Of Others Plant Base Diet Religion in Law Do you believe in God? Your candle LIFE Information The marriage relationship Three things about life Gender Roles within any relationship Can you be Christian and Gay? If I had 10 million dollars What Sex are you? The Homeless The Dictionary Statement of Faith PRAYERS Who are we? The Sermon that has to be taught Ending Prayer Conclusion The Small Voice Joke: Get Your Own Dirt Jesus has spoken My Pictures How deep Does you Love Go Divorced Why Cheating Spouse Stages of Marriage Why we cheat? Redefining Gender The Lucifer Rebellion Everyone should read A GUIDE TO THE URANTIA BOOK Best Advice Questions to Ask 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening Things to Remember

The Sermon that has to be taught

For one thing no matter what anyone can write a book and call it a bible and teach it and sell it and even give it away. What counts is what is in the book and if it is true or not. Then the main thing is if it is true then is it believable? With any story there has to be truth to it so it is believable and when someone reads it the outcome of the story can give you a new idea and or even change the way you think. Any religious book tells a good story but in the end will it lead you someplace or somewhere or even to a new reality and or even change the way you think and even live.

Any religious bible tells a good story but does it really tell the whole story or is some of it made up to seem like the real story was told within the book you just read. Then the question is brought up did the book tell who God is? Where we come from? How old is the earth? Where did the earth even come from? There are many questions that many religious books did not answer and this is the questions we are looking for. But in the end do we really need to know all this to find out where we come from and find out there is such a thing called the spirit of truth that can live within us that will change us from within. Now where can we learn that life changing information that it seems like that all the churches just seem not to teach? Then you find out that some teach a different story but leads to the same conclusion and most of the time the same result.

Now all the answers that you have about life can be answered and when you find out where we really come from and why we are here and what God has done for us and why. Then all of sudden we have new questions to ask and more and more. Until we get to the point that we want to be a part of this whole world and what is really going on in and on the earth and why it exists in the first place.

Now for some basic information that we all need to know: God is the gravity all around us and at the same time he loves us and once we find out that we live within God himself and this is why he sees all and takes care of us. The choices we make throughout our lives determines how long we will live and everything else that has to do with life in general. God has no part in our choices we make throughout our lives. This is because we have free choice to do what we went when we want. We can choose to follow him or not. Life is what we make it and our everyday choices determine where we end up when we get old. The thing is do what you want now so when you get old you cannot say that I should have done things differently if I could have done it over. Do the things you want to do now and make the right choice for you and no one else so when you do get old you can say I made the right choice for me when the time came.

God is love and he is the gravity that that is all around us and sees everything that is going on at the same time. Now God is not the creator of our solar system. God has Sons that has their own solar system to take care of and the creator son of this solar system is Michael. Michael has seven steps to be the ultimate creator son. Because of the Lucifer rebellion and Satan is the general of the Lucifer rebellion and that is why we have both names. To win the war against the Lucifer rebellion Michael had to go through 7 trials to defeat the Lucifer rebellion. The last trail was to come to earth as a human to die on the cross for our sin caused by the Lucifer rebellion.

So this means that when Michael came to earth he was born of a human and Mary and Joseph was chosen and the first child was to be called Jesus for this name means (117:3) God Saves. Then Jesus grow up here on earth and learned the ways of this world and then he got 12 people together and we call them disciples. When he taught them and they come together to change the way we think about religion and the why Jesus taught about the way to break the holdings of the sin of the Lucifer rebellion.

Then the only way Jesus was to win was to die on the cross to conquer the sin of the Lucifer rebellion. Once Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day Jesus and only Jesus could have done this for he was the only one ordained to do this by God. Once this has happened the Lucifer rebellion was over. Many things has happened once this took place.

There was no more spirits that could indwell us, the sin of the Lucifer rebellion was paid for, this shows that God loves us, and finely we now have a way to receive a helper that Jesus calls the spirit of truth that will live within us. The bible calls it the Holy Ghost that now will live within us. Jesus said it will be the spirit of truth.

If you have ever received the spirit of truth you now know that Jesus and even God is real. God is the gravity all around us and he loves us and once we receive the spirit of truth now God lives within us.



    To anyone that reads this page, these prayers are the secret prayers to God for salivation from Satan's world and Hell.  Satan wants these prayers never to be heard of or seen. So don't tell Satan we put the secret prayers here.


To become Saved. Read below.

   Prayer of Salivation  (Say this out loud).

  God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus was buried and has been raised from the dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.

     Prayer of completely to God        (Say this out Loud).

  Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.



Now I want to you call me after you have read this. 812-657-5583 John Ruland