What changed the world?

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What changed the world?

Can we come up with something that will give us some one in this world that changed the way we live?

We can look at our calendar because there is a time line we can follow by our calendar that we use today. There was someone in history that changed the way we think and live that the calendar was changed to reflect that. So we can use the calendar to see who changed the calendar that we use now days. We find out that there was a man born in Bethlehem around the year 2 B. C. that will change the world. His name is Jesus and his mom and dad joseph and Mary and they were from Nazareth about 73 miles north of there. They come to pay their taxes to the king from where they were born. That is why they were there in the first place. Mary just happened to be that far along and the ride on the donkey took its toil and she had the baby that night. Really they just made it there when she went into labor. Now we have established that Jesus was a real person that lived back then we can now use a book that tells all about him.

There is a book that was a history book that told about the life of Jesus and that book was called The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus Translated By William Whiston 1737

We are going to use the KJV Bible because it is old enough to tell the story of Jesus.


4004 The Creation of the World (Genesis 1)

2348 The Flood of Noah (Genesis 6-9)

2234 The Tower of Babel (Genesis 8)

1996 Abraham is Called by God (Genesis 12)

1897 Sodom and Gomorrah are Destroyed (Genesis 18)

1739 Jacob's Name is Changed to Israel (Genesis 32)

1728 Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39)

1630 The Hebrews are Slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1)

1491 Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 12-13)

1490 The Passover and Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 14-15)

1490 The Wandering in the Wilderness (Deuteronomy 2:7)

1490 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20)

1489 The Tabernacle (Exodus 35-40)

1450 Israel Enters the Promised land (Joshua 1)

1443 Joshua Conquers the Land of Canaan (Joshua 1-6)

1443 The Land is Divided Among the 12 Tribes (Joshua 13-21)

1405 The Period of the Judges (Judges 3)

1116 Samuel the Prophet (1 Samuel 4:1)

1095 Saul Becomes the First King of Israel (1 Samuel 10:1)

1045 David conquers Jerusalem and makes it his capital (2 Samuel 5)

1004 Solomon Completes the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6-8)

 933 Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms - Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12)

 933 10 tribes follow Jeroboam - Israel (1 Kings 10)

 933 2 tribes follow Rehoboam - Judah (1 Kings 10)

 722 The Assyrian Captivity of Israel (2 Kings 17:18)

 586 The Babylonian Captivity of Judah (2 Kings 25:9-12)

 538 Cyrus Allows the Jews to Return (2 Chronicles 36:23)

 516 The Second Temple is Built (Ezra 6:15)

 404 The Old Testament Closes (Malachi 4:5)

     4 Jesus is Born (Luke 2)


   30 Jesus is Crucified on Passover (Matthew 27:28)

   30 The Church is Born on Pentecost (Acts 2)

   68 Paul is Martyred in Rome (2 Timothy 4:6-7)

   70 Jerusalem is Destroyed by the Romans (Luke 19:41-44)




The next step in your faith

No matter what religion you are the next step is the one that no one preaches because if they did everyone would become a changer (Christian). This is way all the religions stop at this point and teach everything that Jesus taught but the last part of becoming a changer (Christian). If all the religions taught everything that Jesus taught everyone would become a changer (Christian). So here is the next part no one ever tells you about.

The next step in your faith is really the easy one. When you become a changer and learn the ways of a changer anyone can become one. Here is all you have to do is: well let me tell you how this all come about. We can use the calendar to tell us when Jesus was born because our calendar divides the calendar up in two time lines.

B.C. and A.D.. --------5B.C. ---------0-----------5A.D.----------

With the time line drawn we can now understand that Jesus was born somewhere between 5bc and 5ad. We have a time line for when Jesus was born because Jesus caused so much when he was born and changed the way we do things that the time line was set when Jesus was born. Now we have to find a book that will tell us about Jesus’s time line and what he did that was so live changing that the calendar was changed because of him.

We can use the oldest book we can find and that would be the old KJV Bible. For this book is the oldest we can find with Jesus in it and about what he teaches. All the other translations tell different stories about what happened and changed many things that happened because man gets greedy about money and wants more and more money because no matter how much you have you always want more.

Ok let us go to matt:3:13-17

Now why I have picked this verse from all the bible because it tells about why Jesus got Baptized by john and we will now that Jesus has a Heavenly Father.

Now let’s go to Matt: 3:13-17

Matt: 28

Alway: is that Jesus will alway be with you, it means that no matter what he will be living within you alway. Alway is single word, always is plural and that means that always can mean when he wants to be there. If you need me I can always be there for you. But Jesus said, I will be there alway for you. That means he will stay with and live within you forever and ever.

It is like the word SIN: when you sin you mean only one sin. If your sins are forgiven that means you have committed many sins and all of those have to be forgiven. But when God said SIN he means the sin that Adam and Eve committed in the garden when they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and that sin was the one that got us thrown out of the garden paradise.

Ok now we know that Jesus is real, Jesus father was God himself, Jesus died on the cross for our SIN. Now the only thing we have to do is receive the free gift of salvation that Jesus Died for on the cross for Jesus was Sacrificed for our sin right from the beginning.

Now let us go to: Acts 2:1-4

The free gift of the Holy Spirit will dwell within you forever and ever. The Holy Ghost is our interpreter between us and God. We now have a way to talk directly to God through the Holy Ghost.

No matter what religion you are most are taught this from birth but never told the rest of the story on how to receive the Holy Ghost in you.


This is easy all you have to do is say this prayer OUT LOUD right now

  God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus was buried and has been raised from the dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.

Now if you have received the Holy Ghost and it seems like something is missing the next Prayer is the one you want this prayer is the prayer that will give yourself completely to God, Just SAY IT OUT LOUD.

     Prayer of completely to God        (Say this out Loud).

  Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.