Cheating Spouse?

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What should I do about a cheating spouse?

If you had realized what to do way back before this happened it would not happened in the first place but now we are in the future and this was unknown to you and many other men that do not realize that if they had done this right from the begging of there even friendship before they got into a relationship and then marriage then all this would not have happened in the first place.

There are three stages of intimacy

Now I want to start from the beginning:

Stage one: We find someone and we spend time with them and then we become friends. As time goes by we get to know this person pretty well and then we get to his stage. (gender does not matter at this point)

Stage two: We go from friendship to a relationship. This stage is the most one that really is not done for we tend to go from friendship to marriage. We seem to miss this one. A relationship is when you both side down and really talk about what you want out of life, how many kids, where you want to live, what car to own, how big of a home, you can go to the some of the sites on the internet and find a list of all the things you should talk about before you even consider getting married. Next stage;

Stage three: Marriage: marriage is when you both become friends and have talked about everything that needs to be talked about even which way the toilet paper goes. IF you have cats and kids it always goes under so if the kids hit the TP it does not come off the roll. If it is over all the TP will be on the floor and what a mess. Now marriage is a contract between two people to love, Cherish, take care of, and be together until death do you part.

Now for the easy part to stay together through all the things life brings you. No matter what still have date night at least 3 to 4 times a week and go out to eat away from the home and do something together. Why I say away from the home for if it is in the home then nothing has change and we tend to go do the dishes, cook or eat something while you should be doing something together. Movie not is not a night out until it is in a movie theater. Even when you have kids make sure you still have the date nights. Get a baby sitter even if it one of your mom’s so you can get away from the house, kids, job, and just sit and talk about whatever comes up. Go to a place and sit and eat and talk, and talk. Spend at least 2 to 3 house just sit and talk and do even if you go to the mall and walk around. Better in the winter time if you do this for most malls have dinners, and other things you can do.

Then on the week end invite everyone in your family to come over and bring something or go to someplace and have a cook out or just a small dinner. Then if you do not go to church. You do not have to go to church at all but to stay close with your spouse and children you have to spend Sunday with them not just movie night but to the mall or the park if it is summer. For the family to stay close remember the saying is when the family plays together stays together. Well it is true. This worse thing to do is come home and sit in front of the TV and then say where supper is and then go back and watch TV the rest of the night and do not pay attention to the spouse or kids. OK get this TV is for someone that has nothing else to do. IF you want to stay married you have to spend time with your spouse and for your kids to get to know you then you have to spend time with them teaching then things like how to color, count, and even do other things like build a fort, there is many things you can do with the kids even when they get older. For when they get older you can play cards, board games. The best thing you would ever do is just Shut the TV off and just play with the kids and even play cards with the spouse and or do things together. The only way to stay close is like when you were dating spend as much time doing things together and you will never have the problem of her looking outside of the home for what she is looking for she gets at  home.