Sermon: How deep does your faith go?
Sermon: How deep does your faith go?
In everyday life there are things we do day to day that shows what is inside of us. We show others that if we practice what we preach in our daily lives we show others that by our actions we practice what we preach. What we listen to for music, what we say, what we say when we are mad or upset, even what we watch for TV shows and movies. Everything in our daily life shows others what is inside us. How deep does your love and faith go? It like how much a woman shows her cleavage, way down she is single, half way down she is married, and then all the way up top she is happily married. No matter what will you tell everyone that you are one of the Christians (changers) or will you deny that you are even a Christian (changers)? IT is like once you get married to the one you love. How long will your love for each other last? How deep does you love go for each other? Does your love on as deep as when things get tough in the marriage you just pick up and pack and leave or do you stay and help get through the hard times. How deep does your love go? The question is how deep does your love and faith go?