Our Earthly Existence

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 Our Earthly Existence

By Minister John R. Ruland III

Copyright © 10/28/2016


Our Earthly Existence

Have we discovered through science that time has a starting point and everything points to a super intelligent designer?

Science has come to the conclusion facts:

1 The universe had a beginning

2 The universe is just right for life here on earth

3 DNA coding reveals a super intelligent designer and or creator

4 The earth was made for human life for everything on earth is finely tuned for life.

5 The Earth is the right distance from the sun, the right size, rotation of the earth is at the right speed, the earth goes around the sun in the right orbit, the right gravitational force, and the right amount of water.

6 if anything was changed the earth would not support life.

7 The eco system is so well tuned that if anything has gone wrong the eco system takes care of anything that has happened within the earth.

8 the only things now that is missing is the laws of the creator and or designer that has been sent throw the beings that the designer has sent to us through Mankind.

9 from our own calendar we have a time line when Jesus was born and changed the world we now live in through Jesus that the creator has provided us through Jesus teachings.

10 Through Jesus we now have a way back to heaven where we come from in the beginning.

11 Now for the shocker of all that we know about God and where he is?

God is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, and all around us all at once.

Now I will tell you where God is and where he has been all along. When Jesus said that once saved the Holy Ghost lives within us and we live within God. There was a reason that he said that. For the universe that we live in is God himself. So that means we live within God and once saved the Holy Ghost (breath of God) lives within us. God can see everything that happens here on earth every second of everyday. God can See everything that is happening around the world. Because we live within him we are safe from anything and everything that is outside of our universe. For God protects us from everything that is unknown to us that is outside of this universe that we live in. everything is in its place because God put it there and where God put it there is where it stays. Everything has always been. When the earth was formed all he did was take what was already in him and formed it into what we see now. Because we live within him God protects us from things we will never know or even understand even if we know what is known out there we would still not understand what it is. There are many things that are beyond our understanding even in this world we live in. For if God wanted us to know what is going on with our universe God would have taught it to us.

We are going to use the KJV Bible because it is old enough to tell the story of Jesus.


4004 The Creation of the World (Genesis 1)

2348 The Flood of Noah (Genesis 6-9)

2234 The Tower of Babel (Genesis 8)

1996 Abraham is Called by God (Genesis 12)

1897 Sodom and Gomorrah are Destroyed (Genesis 18)

1739 Jacob's Name is Changed to Israel (Genesis 32)

1728 Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39)

1630 The Hebrews are Slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1)

1491 Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 12-13)

1490 The Passover and Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 14-15)

1490 The Wandering in the Wilderness (Deuteronomy 2:7)

1490 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20)

1489 The Tabernacle (Exodus 35-40)

1450 Israel Enters the Promised land (Joshua 1)

1443 Joshua Conquers the Land of Canaan (Joshua 1-6)

1443 The Land is Divided Among the 12 Tribes (Joshua 13-21)

1405 The Period of the Judges (Judges 3)

1116 Samuel the Prophet (1 Samuel 4:1)

1095 Saul Becomes the First King of Israel (1 Samuel 10:1)

1045 David conquers Jerusalem and makes it his capital (2 Samuel 5)

1004 Solomon Completes the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6-8)

 933 Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms - Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12)

 933 10 tribes follow Jeroboam - Israel (1 Kings 10)

 933 2 tribes follow Rehoboam - Judah (1 Kings 10)

 722 The Assyrian Captivity of Israel (2 Kings 17:18)

 586 The Babylonian Captivity of Judah (2 Kings 25:9-12)

 538 Cyrus Allows the Jews to Return (2 Chronicles 36:23)

 516 The Second Temple is Built (Ezra 6:15)

 404 The Old Testament Closes (Malachi 4:5)


     1 Jesus is Born (Luke 2)

   30 Jesus is Crucified on Passover (Matthew 27:28)

   30 The Church is Born on Pentecost (Acts 2)

   68 Paul is Martyred in Rome (2 Timothy 4:6-7)

   70 Jerusalem is Destroyed by the Romans (Luke 19:41-44)


We have to use the oldest book we can find and that would be the old KJV Bible. For this book is the oldest we can find with Jesus in it and about what he teaches. All the other translations tell different stories about what happened and or changed many things that happened because man gets greedy about money and wants more and more money because no matter how much you have you always want more.

Genesis 1:23,31

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Let us go to rev 12:7-8 satan was thrown out of heaven

Let us go to: Psalm 53:1

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Let us go to: Genesis 3:13

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

let us go to matt:3:13-17

Now why I have picked this verse from all the bible because it tells about why Jesus got Baptized by john and we will now that Jesus has a Heavenly Father.

Now let’s go to Matt: 4:10

“Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

Let us go to: matt 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Let us go to: matt 22:30

For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.


Matt: 28:1- found the tomb empty

Let us go to: John 3:14-17 sent his son

Let us go to: john 14:6 I am the way

Let us go to: john 14:24 love me and keep my commandments

Let us go to: john 14:28 I go away but rejoice I come again

Now let us go to: Acts 2:1-4 Pentecost

Let us go to: 1 Cor 8:6   one god, one son, one Holy Ghost

Let us go to: phil 2:10 every knee shall bow

Let us go to: Hebrews 13:8 the same all the time

Is anyone here a sinner?

Have you ever stolen? Have you ever lied? If you have that means that you are a sinner. All sinners need forgiveness for their sin. Like Adam and eve in the garden of Edom. That means that you need the free gift of the holy ghost that will come into your life and then you will be forgiven of all sin and when you die you will go back to heaven where we come from.

The free gift of the Holy Spirit will dwell within you forever and ever. The Holy Ghost is our interpreter between us and God. We now have a way to talk directly to God through the Holy Ghost.

No matter what religion you are everyone is taught what religion is from birth but never told the rest of the story on how to receive the Holy Ghost that will live within you.


This is easy all you have to do is say this prayer OUT LOUD right now

  God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus was buried and has been raised from the dead, I make Jesus Lord of my life right now, and I repent of all sin and turn from it. I open the door of my life and let you in. Jesus you are my lord and I will serve only you. I renounce you Satan. You are no longer my Lord.. In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and Holy Ghost, Amen.

Now if you have received the Holy Ghost and it seems like something is missing the next Prayer is the one you want this prayer is the prayer that will give yourself completely to God, Just SAY IT OUT LOUD.

     Prayer of completely to God        Say this out Loud.

  Father, I give myself completely to you. I need power to live for you. Fill me to over flowing with your holy spirit. I receive his fullness right now. I will be and I will do and I will say what God wants me to. In the Name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Ghost, Amen.


Two worlds we live in at the same time

We live in two different worlds that some of us really don’t understand what two worlds we live in or even if we live in two worlds at the same time.

World one: we live on the earth and everything that is on the earth we can see, feel, touch, hear, and use.

World two: This world is unseen and can only be understood when you get saved. Then the spiritual world is reveled to you through salvation of the free gift of God for all mankind to receive.

Everything that is around us points to an intelligent designer that has made everything that we can see and all the things that we cannot see. 

Because we live within these two world sometimes we judge others for there earthly existence on how they live out their lives. Our job as The Changers (Christians as we are called too) is to teach  and preach salvation unto the entire world. It is Gods job to put a burden on everyone's hearts to do the right thing for them. It is Gods job to judge everyone for what they have done and will ever do. When we start to judge others we take away Gods job and we try to do this job and when we do this most of the time we get into trouble because we are doing Gods job and not ours. So don’t judge anyone on how they live, or who they marry or even what they do for work, what they eat, or even where they go to church. Leave that job up to God for that is his job to judge everyone including the ones that judge others you will be judged too. So if you own a business and someone comes in to order something make it for them. It is there choice on how they live not yours to judge them for how they live. It is our job to get them saved and let God do his job after that to work to change them from within. Remember teach and preach salvation unto the entire world not to judge the world but to save the all the people from hell.


Religion in Law

I had no idea how critical religion is in the functioning of democracy

 The reason why democracy works it's not just the government on earth to oversee what everybody does. The reason democracy works is because everyone volunteers to choose to follow the laws.

 Our whole society is built on religion because most Americans attended church and learned what was taught by someone they respected.

Everyone starting to follow the laws because they found out that they were not accountable to mankind but to God for their actions

Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation where to choose to obey the law is because you take away religion you can't hire enough police?



Who is God?

God is the existence of Time, living matter, space, and the existence of being alive. For God was and is and always will be alive. For the essence of God is all around us. God is what keeps everything together and in its place in the universe. Where all the planets are placed, the sun, moon, earth in it planed orbit are all in its given place within time, space, and orbit. For we live within God himself that is way god knows what is going on at all times. For we live within him. I will say it again so you can grasp this, we live within God himself for everything we see is in God and God in us once saved.



Just looking at the earth and what is on it and the way everything is Made I have come to the conclusion that Some deity had to create it all with the information I have it could of not just happened.

One Body One Prayer One Voice one world that will sustain life and one God

In everyday life everyone has One Body, One Prayer, One Voice, One Soul, There is One God, One Jesus, One Earth, One Sun, one solar system that we are in. There is a lot of just one thing here on earth. Everything here on earth is living a life cycle that was created for that specific creature. Every species has its own DNA, its own chromosome length, its own range of where it can live. Everything has its own function within the earth. Everything here has its place and function within the earth. If someone does not believe there is a God just look around and you will see everything here on earth just did not happen. Everything has to have a designer to create everything.

Everything is made with a pacific design and purpose in an environment that the creature that was made thrives. Everything has a purpose and a place within the Eco system of the earth. Scientists have tried to copy the eco system of the earth to sustain life in a sphere with everything that the earth has but could not control the rate of oxygen lose.

They finely figured it out but could not fix the problem within the sphere because the sphere was not big enough to fix the problem. The size of the earth, the orbit that the earth is in, the rate of spin, the living creatures, that live within the earth all are in the middle of the life cycle of their place here on earth.

If anything was changed all life here on earth would cease to exist. For this to stay this way there has to be a creator and a designer to keep this world within the confines of space and time, everything here on earth to live out their lives within the earth itself there is no way it just happened.

Anything that is made is created by a designer like that someone put together a product to sell on the open market. If the designer used chaos there would not be enough left to sell because it would have been blown up. So that means that everything has to have a designer for the item to work and or within creation have life. All this has nothing to do with what religion you are or where you live or even what you drive, or where you work, or even what you eat. It has to do with the ground you walk on. Whether or not you believe there is a designer or not everything had to have a designer for you cannot create anything with chaos into perfection. And then there is one thing I want you to explain is where does gravity come from?

One God, one Jesus, one Holy Ghost, One earth that can stain life, one ecosystem that if one this was out of place would kill everything here on earth. If the sun was closer we would burn, if it were further away we would freeze. If the rotation of the earth was slower or faster we would burn or freeze. Even the gravity and the surrounds the earth is just right, the size of the sun, the moon, and the earth is the right size. So everything has to do with this earth is in the right place, right size, and everything else is in its perfect place it should be.

So we have established there is a god that created everything here on earth. Now to find some way to determine that God created a son to give us a way back to heaven where we come from? With God the creator where else would the Son of God come from but from him. With the time line that we have on our calendar we can find the year that Jesus was born. The year one because that was when our calendar was changed to reflect that Jesus was the one that change history so much that we changed our calendar that reflect the birthday of Jesus. We have many books beside that bible that tells us about the Jesus the rebel that changed religion for us all. The book of Works of Flavius Josephus for this person that wrote about history he put in the rebel of Jesus and how much trouble he caused within the Roman Empire. Even after Jesus died the disciples started to do things differently and roman was not happen on the way they started doing things. Within the Roman Empire there were many things you had to do to start a church and pay tribute to the king. But the disciples did none of this and mainly this is what caused the new Christian church to be prosecuted. As roman seen then they were rebels and outlaws and they treated them as such. This is when Saul come into the picture and got a letter from roman to capture all the Christians and bring them back to be prosecuted for their crimes against roman.