I have come to the conclusion

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My name is Minister John Ruland I am from Columbus Indiana

I have come to the conclusion:

I have come to a conclusion that no matter what I am a disciple of Jesus but not as of yet an apostle. I can teach something’s but not everything that is really should be taught. I myself am getting close to becoming an apostle.

There is one thing that has come to my attention is that we seem to judge others on how they live and where they work, even what car they drive. How there spouse is and even what their children do and even their spouse is doing without the knowledge of the other. We talk about others and even go as far as even telling them that what they are doing is wrong and to change their ways.

Now for the shocker: our job is not to judge others and even get involved and even go as far as telling them to change their ways. I will say it again our job is not to judge others on anything they do or even how they want to live is not our concern.

Now for the real eye opener: Our job is teach and preach salvation unto the entire world and get them saved. Our job is salvation unto the lost nothing more and nothing less. Once they get saved it is Gods job to change them from within. So get them saved and then let God do this job of changing them. Our job is spiritual not try to change the things of this earth from the outside of them. God can and will change them from within. You just have to let God do his job.

As we live in two worlds: The earth that we live on is what we walk on and live out our lives on. We have to conform to the way live is on this planet because this is where we live. We have to do the things that needs to be done day today and every day here on earth.

When it comes to the spiritual world some of us seem to not understand that there are ways of dealing with in both worlds. We have to do things differently on the earth we live on and the spiritual world we also live in. Sometimes we seem to separate them when it comes time when we see things that is not right in our eyes and sometimes we even tell them about it.

As we go throughout life everyone one of us once we get saved travels a different path. This is why Jesus told them there is no ceremony that can be used for everyone at the same time because once saved each one of us is on a different journey as we get older our journey changes. This is why in the time of when Jesus started his ministry the Jewish church wanted Jesus dead was with the teachings of Jesus he would destroyed the church as they know it. For just about everything that was taught was some form of a ceremony. With no ceremonies there was no church and then with no church there would be no funds coming in and they all would be homeless and broke.

Everyone should realize that every church needs money to keep the doors open so you will have a place to come and listen to the word of God. Or I guess you can come to any field and sit and listen. But a big building where you can all come at one time to hear the gospel preached is a good thing when it comes to winter or the hot summer. We just have to make sure they have enough to pay the bills and keep the church/place of worship open.

Now everyone can be evil but still not sin and you can be good and sin. When you think of evil everyone sees someone that thinks evil thoughts and does everything they think about. But not all act on what they are thinking. So to think evil thoughts and not act on them means you did not sin. What you think if your thoughts no one else’s but yours alone. Once you get saved what you will think and even do with change over time. What comes out of your mouth will change the most for what we say is who we are and what comes out of mouth is what is in side of us.

Now the saying that has been said many times: An eye for an eye. Jesus never taught this and really do not know where it come from and it seems like when you do this you can cause a war and lots of people can get hurt. Jesus said to love everyone as yourself. If you did something would you want someone else come and kick you for what you have done or say: we know that was wrong but come to dinner so we can talk about it. Not go and kick them and hit them all you will do is go back and hit and kick them. Then they will come back and do it even more and it just will not end until someone really gets hurt.

Jesus taught to love and taught the way of salvation. For once saved the change will come from within them and even over time once they get saved they even might come back and even say they was sorry for causing that much trouble over something that got way out of hand. Sometimes little things can turn into big things and cause a fight.

In conclusion:

Our job is to teach and preach salvation unto the entire world and to get everyone saved from there sin. Then let God do this job and over time God will change them from within. For everyone’s journey in life once saved is there journey and they are the only one that can take that journey in their life for it is theirs and theirs only.

So do not judge them for you do not know what part of their journey they are in. Then if they are not saved then it is our job to get them to see the ways of God for Jesus always said I am on my father’s business for he was always tell everyone that God loves us and the way back to heaven is to believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sin and once you believe and the spirit of truth lives within us then and only then we will understand that God is real and God is the gravity all around us and we now know that we live within God himself and once saved then God will live within us.